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Nice idea for a startup!

OK, let's see:

1) There's no clear explanation of what the site is. Your H1 or equivalent is "Any food you don't eat?" - my response would be "no", some confusion, and then closing the tab. You might want to use that space to explain, in brief, what you're doing - "We create personalised meal plans in a fashion similar to how Spotify creates personalised playlists." is a pretty good explanation.

2) I'm not sure what I'm meant to do with the meals that are being presented. Am I meant to cook them? Will they be delivered? Are they just examples of things I like?

3) Clicking on one brings me immediately to a signup modal. I still don't know what this site is or what it does, and I haven't had any chance to play with it, and now you want my email address? At that point I'll definitely click away.

4) "Start cooking today" - hate to harp on about this, but I still don't know what I'm getting. Are you going to teach me to cook? Send me ingredients? Introduce me to new dishes?

Overall, it's an intriguing concept, but you're in need of a lot - a LOT - clearer explanation. That doesn't necessarily need to translate into a lot of copy text - even a clear header and a couple of sentences would do.

I'd also recommend showing users what they'll get from you, at least in very previewed form, before you ask them to sign up.

Your Call To Action button at the bottom is good, btw. If I've selected something and know what I'm getting "Get Your Meal Plan" is a solid CTA that will probably propel me through the email signup - if I'm interested in what you're selling.

Your loading times are a bit erratic - you might want to look at optimising those. I saw one 1.5sec load - acceptable - but another that was over 3 sec, which is into "people are going to give up" territory.

Hope that was helpful, and good luck with the site!

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