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Also, Apple has had face recognition in Aperture, and probably iPhoto, for many years. Probably around the time that Facebook got it.

Of course people who dislike Apple are unlikely to be using Apple software and wouldn't know this.

Edit after the vote brigade: These are two straight up statements of fact. When you down vote them, you tell me that you're being ideological and you don't care what the facts are.

Alas, Hacker News has always been this way.

Likely explanation for the downvotes: By stating "Apple has had face recognition in Aperture, and probably iPhoto" here, you're heavily implying some things which aren't true at all.

In particular, you're implying that as well as including local face recognition features, Apple is somehow transmitting face recognition data to its servers and/or elsewhere. This is simply not true; these features are entirely local.

I think he was pointing out that they've had privacy-focused face detection in their products for some time now.

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