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Gallery of Concept Visualization (conceptviz.github.io)
64 points by luu on May 19, 2015 | hide | past | favorite | 3 comments

If you liked this, you might also enjoy: http://flowingdata.com/

(Great. It seems I've turned into a recommendation bot :)

Thanks for the link!

FWIW, part of what I am trying to do with this gallery is show the power of images to illustrate /concepts/ (or ideas, or systems, or models, ...), rather than just /data/. There is a lot of overlap between "concept viz" and "data viz", in both topics and methods of presentation. But I still think there is a difference worth pointing out, especially since "concept viz" is a lot trickier and less developed.

Some obscure gems in here! I particularly enjoyed The Sound of the Dialup: http://oona.windytan.com/posters/dialup-final.png

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