Hi HN,
I wrote a custom SSH server in Go, give it a try. It uses your terminal user and SSH keys to authenticate implicitly. Instead of getting a shell, you get an IRC-style chatroom with everyone else.
$ ssh chat.shazow.net
If you're getting "Permission denied (publickey)", please use ssh-keygen to create a keypair. Instructions here: https://help.github.com/articles/generating-ssh-keys/
SSH is a really cool protocol; it's a lot like HTTP2. This is a demo of one thing you can do with it, but I plan to factor out the code into libraries that will let you build all kinds of experiences that can be used with any SSH client.
The source code is here: https://github.com/shazow/ssh-chat
(Should be reasonably stable and handle thousands of connections, but apologies in advance if it crashes: Try to reconnect in a minute.)
It's open source. Install it locally and break it to your heart's content. If you're flooding the public server, you're just ruining it for everyone else.
Yes, there are no spam controls. Yes, there are bugs. This thing was built in a couple of days on my free time, and here I am sharing it with you. Please find bugs locally, fix them, and send a pull request.
Enjoy. :)