Neither is this. Page says it works on all platforms but when I try the code editor on my Windows Phone 8, it's clear that it does not. Page scrolls to weird locations when I just type. I typed Hello and some second later text was scrolled out of visibility. Spent a few minutes just trying to type, but it really does not work. (This was typed on same phone without weird scrolling...)
I realise that it's become common to trust cloud services with your IP, but as expensive and onerous (and often impossible) it would be to prove that someone ripped off your code, it seems foolish to develop anything proprietary or patentable on a platform like this one, regardless of what legalese they put in their TOS.
It would be far more sensible for Codeanywhere to offer / license a VM or Docker appliance that you could host on your own server, that you could monitor its network traffic, and so on. This way you could have some sense of security.
When a chunk of source code can ultimately be licensed for millions of dollars, you probably want to have a bit more protection for your IP. Not being so much paranoid as practical.
Your argument applies just as much to email, but it appears not to be a problem. Two reasons:
1. The legal protections and auditing are actually enough.
2. The companies hosting mail and code successfully have better security than most customers that would otherwise run those services in-house.
on your second point, I'd be careful before making that assumption. Without evidence there's no reason to believe that a supplier company will have better security than your own and it's entirely possible they don't.
Also should a supplier suffer a breach they have powerful incentives not to disclose that breach to you, and where intellectual property is involved (e.g. code) the theft may well not become immediately apparent.
The provider has a specific set expertise that's probably better aligned with hosting this service. Since it's a revenue center for them, versus a cost center, they're better equipped to make the case to hire specialists.
The your second point - legalese is very beneficial for that. In the US at least, as long as it's not a protected (by FISA, etc..) organization breaking into your provider's systems, contract law covering compromises is a fairly well developed area.
Being cloud based is this "Code Anywhere", or "Code anywhere where you have Internet access"? The latter, in my case, would be "Code in less places than you could with your laptop and standard offline dev tools".
I travel a lot by train, which means a broken internet connection most of the time. Or when I stay in hotels or on a customer's site without wifi (3G doesn't always work well enough).
I gave a personal instance of the Cloud 9 ( IDE a go a year or so back. Using git locally and enabling git on the server gave me collaborative and offline options.
I think some form of VCS access to these services determines their ultimate usability.
Can't speak for parent, but for me: on a train (lots of tunnels - no really, lots of tunnels[1]), on an airplane and in an airport (no free wifi) -- quite recently.
I have a complete copy of my production environment running locally in vagrant. I can code and run tests (3rd party APIs are all mocked) without any internet connection. I even have all the docs I could need cached offline in Dash.
The only thing I am missing is a local pypi to cache my commonly used 3rd party apps.
I use my laptop a lot on the go. Trains, Airlines, Pubs, Coffeeshops, and so on. Some places will have Wifi, or others I'll be able to tether. But I don't like to rely on having it to be productive.
Very nitpicky, but part of the landing page copy says:
Now, I guess readers are willing to forgive Symbian and AmigaOS not being in the list the follows, but if you say "all platforms" you have to at least include Windows Phone.
My issue isn't really with OS support however, and it's perfectly OK to skip not-very-popular platforms. But if you put at least one blatant lie on the front page, you don't give me confidence that it's the only one.
All these cloud IDEs seem to be popping up everywhere, but I just don't see the value in them. I use Vim as my editor so I can use everything over SSH anyways, so I just use Vagrant or SSH back home if I'm working on my Chromebook.
The colors look really nice, but I suspect my vim(1) can do it cheaper. What's it with the obsession to use the slow and heavyweight Browser+JS when you can do it lightweight & efficiently?
But I want to be a critic, like always. There are at least a dozen of "code anywhere" solution out there and most don't solve the core problem which is that we can either write code or run code with very very limited privilege.
As both a Github and a Bitbucket user, I can code anywhere I want as long as there is an Internet access. I can edit my files right on the page, or just fire up a new gist on to write a short snippet. I use to make my JS code "prettier" if my code is getting messy. If I have a modern version of Firefox I can even write my Javascript in a scratch pad.
The issue is again I don't have an environment to run code and use the tools I want to use. I don't mean that this is an easy problem to solve as everyone has their own special setup (e.g. different dot files, tab vs space, etc) and minus security handling and hardening. But that is the hard problem, and the real problem worth digging.
I honestly appreciate the criticism, and I agree on the problem that exists and we are trying our best to solve it and we believe that we are on our way there, especially with the new DevBoxes. Feel free to try Codeanywhere out and send me/us more (constructive) criticism. Thanks!
I'm a long time cloud9 user and we actually use ace editor in a couple of our own projects. I logged on to check out your diff feature as I thought it was quite neat, but all I got was a bunch of broken menus and misaligned panels.
When I say logged in, I mean that this was the first thing I saw after doing the one-click signup via my google account. I'd advise you to fix your product before advertising it, and let us know so I can have another look.
You advertise bitbucket support, but as far as I can find, that's only as a generic git provider using a DevBox only via your web interface. You set the expectation that it would be possible to get the iOS app, set up an account, attach to a repo, write code, and commit.
This does not deliver.
If this is possible, it isn't clear at all and I couldn't find documentation on it. If this is some sort of premium feature, that's not clear either. Please get your marketing copy in line with the platform's actual capabilities.
I just tried this last week while evaluating ide's with ipad support, but the bluetooth keyboard support in the app is not very good (e.g. the arrow keys don't allow for moving the caret). Any chance you're fixing this soon?
Excellent Product. Easy to sign-up and from London it feels and looks as the machine is next to my feet. One suggestion though is may be to include a live chat support to bring some human feel and love :) and differentiate from the competition.
Thanks, well DevBoxes are in essence your own virtual private servers that run in the background of Codeanywhere. They give users the ability to provision any Development Environment they prefer ( PHP, HTML5, Java, NodeJS, python, ruby, c/c++). etc, etc