I travel a lot by train, which means a broken internet connection most of the time. Or when I stay in hotels or on a customer's site without wifi (3G doesn't always work well enough).
I gave a personal instance of the Cloud 9 (https://c9.io/) IDE a go a year or so back. Using git locally and enabling git on the server gave me collaborative and offline options.
I think some form of VCS access to these services determines their ultimate usability.
Can't speak for parent, but for me: on a train (lots of tunnels - no really, lots of tunnels[1]), on an airplane and in an airport (no free wifi) -- quite recently.
I have a complete copy of my production environment running locally in vagrant. I can code and run tests (3rd party APIs are all mocked) without any internet connection. I even have all the docs I could need cached offline in Dash.
The only thing I am missing is a local pypi to cache my commonly used 3rd party apps.
I use my laptop a lot on the go. Trains, Airlines, Pubs, Coffeeshops, and so on. Some places will have Wifi, or others I'll be able to tether. But I don't like to rely on having it to be productive.