Seems like something like this would be a really good fit inside of (Github's webkit based editor), it could be done probably a lot more seamless as well. This looks like they got very lucky with some of the features they were able to cram in :P, clickable buttons for instance.
I finally installed atom last week expecting that it'd be able to render the site you were working on in-line, and react to save events. I was somewhat disappointed. There's an inbuilt markdown renderer - I don't think it'll take too long for someone to build it (unless it's already there and I missed it).
This looks rather useful. It even seems to be working with a remote server!
However from the issues it seems like this plugin is not being actively maintained :/
I haven't tried, but life is better if you don't minify on save. I assume you're using Grunt or Gulp; make a "build" task and use that for minifying. Your preprocessing time will go down, and that means getting your changes into the browser faster. Feels better than having to pause before hitting refresh, or worse, having to refresh twice.
Yes, using Gulp. Do you have a release script which does the final build on deployment? How does that work exactly? Don't you need to have a specific markup just for production then?
Yep, "gulp" watches and recompiles my stylesheets, and "gulp build" minifies stylesheets and scripts. I don't need to use different markup[0] since my stylesheets are all one file by default (Sass/LESS imports vs manual concatenation), and I use wreq for script loading.
[0] Actually, that's not 100% true - I read from an environment variable server-side and if it's in dev mode, I render the LiveReload script tag. Actual assets remain the same though.
I mention it in case someone finds it useful, I'm not implying that it provides the same feature set as this GitHub project.