I've worked for a few enterprise software companies on big products in the past and am currently working for a startup that may not be around in a few years (hopefully it will be, but that's reality).
Lately, I've been wondering how I could preserve my work to showcase in the future. I don't think it's always practical, or legal, to assume keeping a copy of the code is a good showcase. And screenshots are, well, shallow.
Anyways, I was curious if any of you have done the same? And what route you took for preserving your work.
EDIT: I'm not just referring to interviewing purposes. I think in general it would be great to reflect back on the things you've done from time to time. Who knows where you'll be in 20 years, but in a digital age it seems desirable to keep some kind of log of what you've done of the course of your career. Perhaps the word, "showcase", was a bad choice.
EDIT 2: My comment about keeping the code was poorly worded and being misinterpreted. I have no interest in keeping any former code, it'd be dated within a year or two. The heart of this question is about showcasing/archiving great innovations and cool things you've built that aren't easily available.
> I've been wondering how I could preserve my work to showcase in the future. I don't think it's always practical, or legal, to assume keeping a copy of the code is a good showcase.
I agree. I see a lot of organizations asking for open source as a litmus test for the candidate.
As a former manager who has hired dozens of programmers, I think that's stupid, because it vastly limits your pool of candidates to people who have time to contribute to open source. I've found that there are lots of very gifted people who have never worked on anything they can share. And "side projects" tend to show you what the candidate wants you to see: well crafted code that didn't have external requirements or hard deadlines. (Note: I'm not suggesting you _don't_ use open sourced code in the interview process, just that you don't use it as a gateway into the larger interview process).
Looking forward to watching this thread!
Edit: fixed a confusing sentence.