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Adding to the commentary on here with something not so gushing:

* kernels lag terribly behind the distributions meaning you're wide open sometimes.

* can't resize or add storage

* no freebsd support or custom kernels

* VM availability problems. If you want to have another box, you aren't guaranteed to get one.

* no IPv6

* somewhat shonky security reputation.

* cant deliver to yahoo mail from their AMS2 IPs I've been given even after filling in numerous forms at yahoo.

Apart from that, they're the best hosts out there. I pick them over Linode, Hetzner and EC2 but not colo. Even at the price point they're at.

Don't write about the owner's golf buddies either.


An odd experience, I would say.

Regardless of the truthiness of this blogpost, their ToS actually includes this gem (repeated twice actually, due to poor editing):

3.13 Subscribers may not use the Services in a manner that would violate the lawful privacy rights of any person, ... or embarrass, which shall be determined in DigitalOcean’s sole and absolute discretion.

So... if someone gets embarrassed by what you put up, DO just decides to take it down.


We try to provide the best cloud experience possible and part of that is following up on abuse complaints, otherwise we end up with blacklisted IPs and other issues that impact customer service.

There are occasional weird situations like this that come up and I would love to handle every support request directly but unfortunately that's not possible.

We've had to scale the support team to support over 100,000 customers and we didn't get the right customer support director on board till about 2 months ago.

We are constantly looking to improve our service in all areas and Zach is on top of it to ensure that all of our customer support staff get more training in how to better respond to customers.

However, the promise that I make is that if any situation ever arises in any way shape or form with DigitalOcean please contact me directly - moisey --- a-t --- digital0cean - and I will be on top of it as soon as possible.

I hope that helps in response to this issue.

Thanks, Moisey

Can you elaborate on "blacklisted IPs" for hosting content? For spam or compromised boxes, sure. For hosting a webpage that "embarrasses" someone?

At any rate, I have no way of knowing about this issue. It's just curious that DO would put embarrassment as a ToS violation. All sorts of stuff embarrasses all sorts of people. Might as well just put up "DO reserves the right to terminate your services, at any time, without reason."

If an IP continuously receives abuse complaints it is blacklisted by various services which can then lead to mail undeliverability issues or other problems which is why we are very pro-active on any abuse complaints that we receive and forward them to customers.

In regards to embarrassment it's about the intention of the statement which is to not use the service for a malicious nature. But we're more than happy to open up a dialogue about this and see if there are any amendments to the terms that are a good idea.

We'll push on getting more of our public content into github so that customers can provide feedback and provide rewrites of the terms that they feel capture the sentiment but perhaps clarify those terms better.

celebrity photos are huge, huge business. sites pop up all the time trying to monetize papparazzi shots and hosting providers have to deal with all sorts of fallout from anyone with a vested interested in the intellectual property or famous name.

these people do not give a shit about the streisand effect. they are going after their money.

So in that case DO receives a DMCA takedown, they comply, and let the customer deal with it? Or you're saying they file malicious lawsuits against the hosting provider and courts happily allow these suits to proceed and don't award fees to a neutral hosting provider?

We forward any abuse complaints that we receive to the owner of the account and ask that they handle them.

We try not to interpret the law as that is not our specialty of course, we are simply saying that we would like that customers use the service for a non-malicious purpose. But we're more than happy to open up a dialogue about this and make amendments if necessary.


Their lawyers have not yet taught them that decisions about content make one a content provider instead of a hosting provider, and all the wonderful protections in OCILLA/DMCA vanish into thin air.

I'm sure they will get that eventually. Maybe after they learn to scrub customer storage in every case (not just enough to sweep the issue under the rug) so that droplets aren't immediately compromised on termination.

In case that wasn't clear to you, DO puts their drive wear ahead of your data. There are still multiple endpoints in the API that will leak your data to other customers. They fix some cases of it every now and then, then revert without telling anyone once they see the impact on their SMART metrics. When sneak called them out they wrote an entirely fabricated blog post. That incident resulted in a published CVE in libcloud earlier this year but of course nobody gives a shit, throw more VC at them!

Would you like to elaborate? The only data-leak story I have heard about was that until recently, "scrub disk with 0s" was unchecked by default when a droplet was destroyed. Now that option is checked by default. What other concerns do you have?

I wish we wouldn't upvote stuff like this. The guy clearly bullied a random Google employee in a private chatroom into commenting on a subject that was totally irrelevant to his work, and then turned his comments into a biased character assassination post WITHOUT even telling the dude he was writing about him.

It sure seems like the author went into the chatroom looking for a story, and got the THINNEST of all possible stories ("Random Google Developer Has Opinions") and, in an effort to turn it into real news, colored it in the most negative way possible. It is profoundly terrible journalism, and the motives behind it are so ugly. This is not something that we should endorse on Hacker News.

The only story of relevance here is that Digital Ocean has a line in its TOS about not allowing "harassment or embarrassment", and they will enforce it if you do indeed harass a guy.

>The only story of relevance here is that Digital Ocean has a line in its TOS about not allowing "harassment or embarrassment", and they will enforce it if you do indeed harass a guy.

I think you are missing the real relevance here; that DO will use their own discretion to determine if your content is worthy of dissemination. You're right, it was terrible journalism, and a thin story. So what of it? Why should DO concern themselves with the content that isn't breaking any laws? What, precisely, is "embarrassment"? It was a no-name blogger posting a non-story.

>This is not something that we should endorse on Hacker News.

The fact that you say this explains a lot about why you have your opinion on DO and how things should work, and why I have mine. If this story is getting upvoted, it's getting upvoted. There is no "we", unless you're trying to curate opinion and create an echo chamber.

By accepting implicitly the facts presented by the article as facts, you are doing something called "privileging the hypothesis."

Say, for example, that there's an article about a "scientific study", claiming some strong conclusion (e.g. "pig hair cures diabetes.") The article goes on to say that the study has one data-point and no control-group (which is to say, basically, that it's an anecdote.)

To still even consider the study's conclusion as possibly true is to privilege the hypothesis. You didn't have any facts before. You don't have any facts after. And yet, your default has switched from "assume pig hair has no special properties whatsoever" to "assume pig hair maybe has something with a vaguely-medicinal use in it." You've updated on zero information.

Just as much as publicizing such a "study", it's irresponsible to put such journalism--sophistry, really--in front of other people, where it could possibly infect their defaults. Not everyone catches these things. Most people only read the first paragraph or two of things, and come away with impressions. These impressions, especially in the case of really bad journalism, can be directly opposed to the impressions they should have taken.

If we are a community here, then we should want to help one-another avoid bad journalism, and more importantly, avoid becoming swayed by whatever the bad journalism purports to report. We don't all need to think the same thing--but supporting a story just on the basis that other people support it, leads to pig hair being "signal-boosted" into notoriety.

Of I post a BS blog post about how DO is way more secure and reliable and cost-effective than AWS, and how AWS is a ripoff scam, will DO take it down to stop be from embarasskng Jeff Bezos?

Or are they exercising editorial discretion?

Again, I wasn't speaking at all on the issue at hand, because the issue isn't at hand. The article sucked too bad to let the issue be at hand.

All I was talking about is the meta-issue you brought up, of what HN as a community should or shouldn't "give air-time."

There's a previous HN discussion[1]. My take personally was that the guy was a complete dick, and not worth defending.

Even if you take the stance that his ability to speak freely should be defended (which I agree with) I suspect his behaviour here indicates there could be more to the story. Plus he sounds like the kind of customer I wouldn't want to have.

Businesses should be free to choose who they serve (subject to some restrictions around bias against classes of people).

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7016735

I kind of doubt this is about the golf angle so much as the creepy obsession the writer seems to have with this guy. Calling out some random Google employee and publishing his chat logs along with derogatory comments while seemingly looking to get him in trouble with his employer is harassment. I'm not sure why "Digital Ocean enforces its terms of service" is considered scandalous.

(Full disclosure: My only relationship with Digital Ocean is having been offered a free month of hosting with them once. Never used it.)

>I kind of doubt this is about the golf angle so much as the creepy obsession the writer seems to have with this guy.

Can you explain what you mean here? The blog owner appeared to be offended by the Googler's stance that he was taking in a public chatroom about Google policies so he blogged about it. How is that a creepy obsession?

People say things I don't like all the time. That doesn't mean I try to screencap off-the-cuff personal conversations, find their domain holdings, look up their home address through WHOIS and then create a blog to name and shame them. That is way beyond the pale.

That is an odd story, any idea who the author is? I find it hard to lend any sort of credence to an anonymous blog posting. Or did I miss some giant "this is who I am" link somewhere?

Yeah that sticks out. Author should have the courage to not be anonymous, especially for something silly like this. For all we know it could be a disgruntled Linode employee faking this or something. :)

But if true, I'm moving everything away to a more professional hosting provider. You don't just shut down a hosting account because of a single anonymous complaint. That's just a silly thing to waste your time with.

Things like this want me to give up programming and take up farming.

why not do both? I program, and have a small self sustaining micro farm. Just placed my order for 28 spring chickens, and 3 turkey's which will provide most of the meat for my family throughout the winter. I will supliment with fish and meat that I catch or hunt down.

I also have a vegitable garden which we can most of our food from or preserve in other ways. :)

If I want a chicken that tastes just as good as the ones I raise I have to shell out $20+ for a 6lb whole chicken.. Crazy.. I get it for about $1/lb.

+1 - that's the way to live your life.

I have a massive vegetable garden but not enough to survive off completely as we're in a London suburb so we concentrate on growing the expensive stuff (and potatoes because once we planted them they just keep coming up every year).

Can't do chickens here - too many foxes.

I feel like you can say anything on HN and there will be someone who is doing it and can evangelize it. Let's try an experiment:

"I wonder if anyone has ever tried to run a startup out of a cave..."

I envy you. :)

No need for envy, get some land and go to work! It's wonderful. Getting ready to tap our Vermont Sugar Maples for a bit of spring maple sugar production... Nothing like old time, home made, boiled over a open fire, Vermont Maple Syrup!

Are you blogging about it? I have often thought of doing this but not really sure about the aspects of it.

Ive been thinking about it..

Can someone verify this story? It sounds pretty convincing with screenshots and all. If it's true I'm taking my business else where.

Seems very odd that both a "Googler" and a VPS provider would be naive enough to think that telling someone to delete a blog post "OR ELSE" would result in anything but the pasting of the content everywhere under the sun outside of google/DO's control to spread the word on how evil they were.

I guess it could happen, but wow.. its like trying to get Beyonce derp face or whatever meme removed from the internet

It seems odd to me that DO never bothered to make any kind of statement to counter this guy's claims (at least not that I've seen), especially considering how well-known this story has become. That tells me that DO is either guilty or doesn't care enough about their reputation to even so much as publish a statement to help ease customers' (and potential customers) fears/worries. That's enough for me to stay away from them.

Just because someone have not commented on something does not mean they are guilty. They might not know about it. Some people live in the real world, with a large latency to news, e-mail or social media outlets. Yeah, I know, it is strange.

The post made the front page on HN a couple of months ago: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7016735. DO staff seem to spend quite a bit of time responding to threads on HN in general, so that would be surprising.

How are they buddies? That's not evident and there's no trace of "golf" mentioned anywhere.

I also use them and in general like them but would add to this list;

* Can't add backups to an already provisioned node

* Undocumented "droplet limits" e.g. one day you'll click "Add Droplet" and it will say "You've reached your droplet limit, please contact support". They'll generally raise it after some basic security verification but it's a nasty shock since you don't find out about it until you need to provision a new Droplet, especially if you're in a hurry.

I too have been bit by the droplet limit. $60 credit (but no credit card) in my account, wanted to spin up a fast box to build a kernel, but I was locked out of the larger droplets. Never did get a straight answer as to why, just a suggestion to link a credit card. Oh well.

There are two droplet limits, one is the number of droplets that you can spin up which you can see in your settings page:


The second is if a customer signs up using Paypal we restrict some of the larger sizes, this is done to minimize the amount of fraud we have to deal with.

Unfortunately we deal with a high amount of abusive and fraudulent signups so we've had to instate a lot of automated filters and other updates to the user experience. It really sucks, but without it we'd have a lot more fraud which would really just make the entire experience worse overall.

In either case opening up a ticket will get either issue resolved.

Sorry for the inconvenience but if anyone is good at fraud detection and wants to help us to continue to automate it and make it smarter, we are hiring =]

Thanks, Moisey

In my case it was the paypal/larger size restriction. And to be fair to DO, once I had opened a ticket (and provided links to the company website, twitter, facebook, and reason for wanting larger droplets) they explained that adding a credit card to the account would allow me to spin up the larger droplets. I didn't want to bother my boss, so I just dropped it.

Didn't know it was displayed in settings, really useful, thanks. My suggestion would be that there should be some sort of notice on the Droplet list page if you're at your limit.

I suggest this because I've been using Digital Ocean for quite a while (several different accounts for different projects/ clients) and have never needed to look at that page.

The need for limits and additional verification makes complete sense, but it would be useful for it to be highlighted in advance (e.g. in an intro email or banner) so you can deal with it in advance of it becoming a problem.

Warning a user when their account is approaching the limit is better than telling them they've already hit it. Google does this with the free apps version - "this account is nearing the limit of 50 users" - and it's visible but not overly prominent on appropriate management screens.

I'm paying with my credit card and larger sizes are disabled for me (NY1 location).

My logs show increased break-in attempts after moving to Digital Ocean. Their IPs are hot targets for hackers, making it all the more important to properly secure my droplets, something I'm having a hard time doing in Linux. With Linux, it's lot of beating around the bush. Overcomplicated config files, a lot of disabling and removing of things one don't need, having to deal with a messy and outdated firewall. With OpenBSD, lo and behold I'd have one of the simplest, most secure and well-configured droplets the world has ever seen.

Yeah noticed that as well. First thing I do is (on debian), update packages and the kernel, install ufw (allow only 22), fail2ban, postfix and logwatch. Then setup a non privileged user, sudo, turn of root ssh and password auth and move to key based auth.

Then I can sleep/configure the rest of the system.

Been meaning to package this all up in an ansible playbook but I can't be bothered :(

I'd be using FreeBSD if they offered it. Much like OpenBSD it's a lot more pleasant for sysadmins!

It took me about an hour to put all of this into an ansible playbook. I think there are couple of examples out on blogs about this as well. If there is interest I'll share my playbook.

Writing this playbook paid off already for the second installation of the box.

The most I know about securing a Linux vps I picked up from this: http://feross.org/how-to-setup-your-linode/ . If there is an ultimate resource on how to start securing a *nix vps then please do let me know. If I knew what to search for I could but a lot of this is unknown unknowns to me.

After having fixed a sudo user (and confirm it works!), please also disable PermitRootLogin by setting it to 'no'.

Restart ssh after editing sshd_conf.

If you're squeemish, run dropbear on another port so you can log into your machine in case you made a boo-boo configuring openssh.

Also, more resources for security settings:


I remembered correctly, someone had already done that: http://lattejed.com/first-five-and-a-half-minutes-on-a-serve...

Shameless plug: a small side project I did with my team at nodeSWAT [1]: CMify [2] - a web service to easily generate your ansible playbooks. Somewhat naive so far, if there is interest we'll extend it.

[1] http://nodeswat.com [2] https://cmify.com

Don't mind me, I'll just wait here till you're ready.

Please do.

I'd like a copy of that playbook too :-), publish it somewhere?


Give us your address so we can send you money.


yes please

> update packages and the kernel

PSA: If you just update the kernel using system tools within the instance, it'll still boot the old one. (At least it did few months ago.)

The grub (or other bootloader) and kernels that are installed inside the instance's disk image are silently ignored and the vm uses a kernel stored outside of your instance's image. You can select which kernel image you want to boot in the control panel. The problem is that the kernels available in there are updated very, very rarely. For popular distributions like Ubuntu they can lag several months, for others it can get up to, say, _two years_ [1].

Since digitalocean "doesn't support custom kernels" it appears that the only way to use something up to date (and stay secure) is to write a script that loads a custom kernel using kexec. :S

edit: The fact that they use kvm (and that kexec works) which means real visualization but can't boot user's kernels is just very, very weird. The only technical reason i can think of is that they can't manage to make it work with their control panel. If that's the reason, then it's very worrying. (The "right" way is easier to code and it's the solution that you'd think of first and it makes custom kernels a non-problem, but they picked one that both has obvious problems and is harder to setup, i can't think of a reason why.)

[1]: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/questions/how-can-i-b...

Second shameless plug on this page: if running your own linux kernel or BSD is really important to you, http://prgmr.com can do that and we have out of band console access so you can debug why it's not working (I was having problems with that when I was checking whether some linux+xen bugs were also present on ec2.)

At this time we only support xen paravirtualization(PV) though, which almost, but not quite, all major distributions have. Notably we can't run 64-bit freebsd right now because they only have HVM support. I'd like to change that but it needs more testing first. Here is a partial list of distributions supporting xen: http://wiki.xen.org/wiki/DomU_Support_for_Xen Really any linux distribution with a modern kernel can be made to support it though as support has been in mainline for a long time now.

Actually, I really would love to use prgmr. The thing is, the price point is super far from Digital Ocean. Compare https://www.digitalocean.com/pricing/ to http://prgmr.com/xen/plans.html . The difference is a bit of a joke. If you're able to provide competitive pricing, I'd be thrilled though.

Yeah, I'm working on it. I announced upgrades to some of my customers several years back, and failed to deliver many of said upgrades, so I'm not going to give hard dates... but I recognize that competitive pricing is a prerequisite to the survival of the company, and I'm working towards that end.

As is industry standard, I'm upgrading existing customers (e.g. they stay on the same price plan, but they get more resources) before I offer those new price plans to the general public. I have maybe... 1/3rd of my customers upgraded to the plan I promised several years back (that has more disk and less ram than the plan I am upgrading to now.)

A big part of the problem is that I made a huge business mistake a year ago that cost me most of the money I would have used for upgrades. But, I've got a few options on the table, one of which is just consulting for a while;

if I go with used hardware, I'm within $50K of having enough hardware to upgrade everyone to "competitive, but not great" pricing. - that's maybe 3 months of full-time contracting work. Completely reasonable. Of course, used hardware is a lot like 'technical debt' - pay me now or pay me later, but it might make sense, just to get the monkey off my back. (That, and dealing with hardware problems is part of my core skillset; I can probably eek more reliability out of used garbage than most companies can.)

I'm talking 2-3x that for new hardware, which is a lot less realistic without some sort of loan or lease, something I should look into, but eh. I am thinking that used hardware until I'm competitive, then start buying new hardware once I start getting new customers on board might be the best way to go. The company is vastly easier to run when it's slowly growing rather than slowly shrinking.

I dug into this a while ago; I recall (but can't source at the moment) an eventual statement by the DO guys to the effect of:

1. their original "inject kernel into OS and boot from it that way" architecture was designed that way on purpose, so that users could downgrade kernels out-of-band as a way to rescue a bad upgrade;

2. but now they've got thousands of droplets configured that way, so switching architectures to something sensible will require either A. forcibly installing grub on, and restarting, every one of their nodes (not something people expect out of a VPS provider), or B. coming up with some sort of glue that can manage both the nodes expecting an injected kernel, and nodes that want to boot on their own, and providing a way to transition your nodes from one to the other.

Basically, it's a mess. A bit like the problems Heroku had with its Alpine stack.

It does still boot the old one. You have to power it off, change the kernel and power it up again.

Moving your SSH server away from port 22 and disabling password logins is also something you should consider doing.

Small thing but at least then it doesn't shout "Hey I'm a *nix box with remote login enabled"

Is it actually likely that someone would brute force a password? I always install fail2ban, but it's more just to stop bots from filling up my logs with junk and eating my bandwidth/CPU. Unless you use dumb passwords, the odds are phenomenally low.

I'm not sure, but I've come around to realize that it's always worth installing and configuring fail2ban just for the reasons you mentioned, if nothing else. I have a demo server that, for a while, was being hammered so hard by ssh brute-force bots that it kept getting knocked offline. I installed fail2ban and no more problems since. I personally can't recommend fail2ban highly enough.

fail2ban is based on the horribly flawed premise of correctly parsing arbitrary text logs from tons of different programs that wrote their log format without any concerns about parsing that output later. Not surprisingly there have been numerous vulnerabilities in fail2ban that let an attacker ban arbitrary hosts such as your DNS server, database, etc.


A better approach is something like pam_abl which is a pam module that will accomplish mostly the same thing but only for login attempts and without the crappy plain text log parsing.

Have you tried denyhosts?

I've always been installing denyhosts but I have not compared the two.

I'm amazed noone ever mentions GRSecurity as must have. It will reduce the risks of an actual comprise significantly. Non-patched Linux is always full of rootkit potential.

Well they don't issue GRSecurity kernels.

To be fair I'd just use FreeBSD which has a little better kernel architecture with respect to security.

Awesome, please do!

Don't forget https://github.com/kickstarter/rack-attack as well though.

Just install ufw. It's very simple to configure the rules for a basic server. Here's how: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/articles/how-to-setup...

Why would you use that over iptables? It's simple and doesn't require installing a package.

  > There is a lot of functionality built into these
  > utilities, iptables being the most popular nowadays, but
  > they require a decent effort on behalf of the user to
  > learn and understand them.
Is that a corner worth cutting?

Iptables is a crime against humanity from a config and documentation perspective. ufw makes it bearable.

I'd rather use pf on BSD though.

I agree. iptables is horrid.

It's just a nicer interface to iptables. Instead of changing my iptables config file you can do things like 'sudo ufw allow 22' or 'sudo ufw allow http' for example.

You should still understand iptables but you do not need to config everything manually.

iptables is powerful but definitely not simple.

Simple is being able to simply say "allow all outgoing traffic and incoming traffic should only be allowed for HTTP(S) and SSH" and being able to figure out how to do it by just invoking "ufw --help".

Maybe someday I'll learn about iptables, I'm sure it's going to be worth it, but for now ufw does the job for me.

> iptables is powerful but definitely not simple.

> Maybe someday I'll learn about iptables


    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 22 -j ALLOW
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ALLOW
    iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ALLOW
    iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j ALLOW
    iptables -A INPUT -i eth0 -j DROP
So complicated...

> So complicated...

Indeed, it is. Even if you want to cargo cult that without understanding it, you might get bitten because running those commands again will not do what you expect, since they're not idempotent.

You will now reply telling me how to deal with this situation, for example if I want to now listen on a different port, or how I get FTP (or some other protocol that needs "-m state" to work. The need to do this proves that using iptables is more complicated that your example.

I've not played with iptables much, but when I do, I'm always struck by how easy it is to read rules, yet hard to write from scratch. This being said, a simple config like this is trivially googleable.

ufw is just a simple wrapper for iptables, it still uses iptables.

"ferm" is also a nice readable wrapper for iptables.

I think that's a little unfair... Your server needs to be hardened against drive-by SSH password guessing and similar nonsense regardless of how or where it's connected to the internet.

That is true but as per the poster above, I've seen 10x the attack traffic on a DO IP address so any zero-days and you're already herded into a predictable net block ready to be poked.

This is true for pretty much any VPS-only hoster, they all have well defined ranges and tons of targets to attack. I see thousands of attempts a day at Linode and hundreds at Leaseweb (dedi and VPSes) and DO. It's just part of doing business.

It's certainly true for dedicated-only hosters too.

I guess I should have said 'personal server', not like AWS or Google's Cloud platforms.


    sudo ufw allow proto tcp from any to any port 22
    sudo ufw enable
Then you can just edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config the same as you would on OpenBSD.


  sudo ufw limit ssh
  sudo ufw enable
To automatically rate limit connections -- see https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Uncomplicated_Firewall#...

This is why I love having a static IP.

    sudo ufw allow from your.ip.addr to tcp port 22
Rest of the world doesnt know I have ssh up and if I'm ever in a hotel or something I can tunnel through my home or login to DO's panel and allow another ip

Don't do that. I did that once and our static ip changed suddenly despite lots of money being spent on it. That was a painful day driving from London to Manchester for me to get to the console.

There is a web console, you never have to drive... or worry :)

I could imagine this being quite dangerous, like being on holiday, there's a power outage, fire, ISP error, etc at home and no way to control your server.

I have essentially a static IP (A 'dynamic' IP with a 6month lease that stays the same on renewal and follows my account regardless of where I live), but you're super fucked if for some reason your IP changes. I usually set it to the /24 I'm assigned from.

How are you screwed? You can always login to the console in the web admin and change it

Yes, they have issues with IPs having been blacklisted.

I ran into that in connection with MIPSpace. Large swathes of DO IPs are blacklisted by MIPSpace, which impacts my deliverability for a small double opt-in hobby list.

- Digital Ocean says they can't get MIPSpace to remove IPs.

- MIPSpace will only deal with me if I can get DO to add rwhois/SWIP for my IP

- Digital Ocean doesn't offer that feature (of course).

So I'm somewhat stuck there. Not as though things are going to be any better elsewhere on another cloud service, I suppose, though I never had these issues at AWS. But moving back would triple the cost of running an equivalent mail server.

Hopefully some of the funding here can be used by DO to actually clean up their IPs and manage the issues with the less reasonable blacklists like MIPSpace - who doesn't send abuse notices, and seems pretty capricious, from what I'm reading. Since DO are in the business of renting IP addresses, it would be good if those IP addresses were not usually on some blacklist somewhere.

MIPSpace is stupid if they think you can get SWIP from DO. This is not DO's policy, but the RIR. I seem to remember that for ARIN you need a /30 or larger of consecutive IP address space to qualify for SWIP. This may even be a /28.

So while DO is saying no, I'm wondering if it's because they don't offer the space required to SWIP the ranges. In addition to not offering the size, it would incur additional administrative overhead.

Can't blame them.

According to https://www.arin.net/resources/request/reassignments.html it's actually mandatory to provide whois tracking for assignments /29 or shorter prefix, and optional for /30 or longer prefix. I can't find any reason they wouldn't be able to provide it if they wanted to.

Edit: definitely possible http://lowendtalk.com/discussion/12406/which-providers-provi...

So you shouldn't call MIPSpace stupid, thanks.

Their DMCA / Copyright / bad content process is horribly, horribly broken, and they will generally (where I think generally is the most polite way to put it) take the side of the accuser, even if that accuser is anonymous, or random, or fraudulently making the accusation.

How do you suggest that they would proceed, considering that the DMCA forces them to "expeditiously remove or disable access to the allegedly infringing material", on the contingent of being liable themselves for copyright infringement?

The DMCA prescribes a dispute policy, that allows the accused to refute the evidence provided by the accusers.

I've seen numerous complaints indicating that Digital Ocean abides no such policies.


The dispute (counter-notice) and put-back procedures in the DMCA say that the provider can put the content back online if the copyright owner does not bring a lawsuit within 14 days. I don't see anyone in that thread saying they violate this procedure; all I see is talk about some 48 hours limit, which is definitively not in the law.

I have personally never been a customer of Digital Ocean, in large part because, having heard these stories, would prefer that DO at least mention the matter to me before terminating service or locking my account.

Knowing first hand that other providers handle the exact same scenario with ample amounts of equitability informs my decision that there's a better way to go about it.

Effectively, it's the kind of policy that would allow me to jokingly refer competitors to becoming DO customers.

Whoa! I didn't realize that virtual hosting providers fall under 512(c). I figured they'd apply 512(a) (conduit provider).

Anyone have any citations for case law where virtualized hosting falls under 512(c), and doesn't qualify for safe harbor under 512(a)?

I haven't seen any case law, but just looking at the text it certainly looks like VPS hosting can't be 512(a) in normal cases without an incredibly distorted reading -- the VPS hosts systems don't do "intermediate or transitory storage" of client data, they do relatively permanent hosting at the direction of the client, exactly the kind of relationship addressed in 512(c).

512(a) would apply to, say, an ISP that stood between a system hosting allegedly infringing content and those accessing it, not to the owner of the physical system hosting that content who allowed a third party to control a VM on the physical system on which the content was hosted.


No case law, just Chilling Effects: https://www.chillingeffects.org/dmca512/faq.cgi#QID127

> The DMCA prescribes a dispute policy, that allows the accused to refute the evidence provided by the accusers.

No, it doesn't.

The DMCA provides both a safe harbor for hosts against infringement liability (the take down notice procedure) and a safe harbor for hosts against any liability they might have for taking down content (the counter-notice procedure), but neither of these procedures are strictly mandatory, they just provide a liability shield for certain liabilities that the host may have had without them.

But most hosts have taken pains to assure that they have no liability in the latter case through terms of service, so there is little reason for them to be concerned with the counter-notice procedure.

Your conclusion is wrong.

If a host does not follow the entire OCILLA playbook in every case, unconditionally, across the board, the host no longer qualifies for any safe harbor whatsoever. Then it's open season on copyright violations. Think $400,000 per song style open season.

The real liability threat remains third parties, not customers, and disregarding the prescribed counter procedure is handing them the keys to the bank. If you see a host playing fast and loose with the rules, for example your content not being restored in 10 to 14 days after counter notice with no further action, it's time to go after their registered agent.

> If a host does not follow the entire OCILLA playbook in every case, unconditionally, across the board, the host no longer qualifies for any safe harbor whatsoever.

The 512(c) safe harbor rules are clearly written in a transaction-specific manner rather than the way you describe, and every case I've seen on them has focussed on whether they were followed as relevant to the transaction and not addressed whether the host followed them "unconditionally, across the board". So, I think your conclusion is wrong.

If you see a host playing fast and loose with the rules, for example your content not being restored in 10 to 14 days after counter notice with no further action, it's time to go after their registered agent.

Under what grounds? Taking down your content isn't violating your copyright. If they lose their safe harbor status, some future copyright holder could sue them, but I don't see how you could.

Call me crazy, but do you think filling these issues are probably part of why they're raising funding?

Getting ahead takes capital and i'm sure they're aware of what makes them inferior, you can't raise $37m without a good story on how you're going to use it to get ahead and win.

No because hosts on 1/10th of the budget are doing these things already.

I have great hope for http://bigv.io but they're not quite there yet.

Do you actually have evidence of this or is this an off the cuff statement?

Having worked for some big hosts myself, i know how hard it can be to make changes once you have people using your platform. I suspect DO are in a similar situation and are looking to make a big leap forward with new growth leveraging their existing brand. I have no real evidence of this, but it feels like a sensible course of action.

No one likes giving up equity and taking money unless there is a damn good reason for it.

Amongst other obscure jobs I've been employed to dig people out of the crap many a time in the hosting sector so yes I'm pretty close to this sort of stuff.

Normally in these situations, much as they do with DO already with disparate DC capabilities, you deploy infrastructure side-by-side and slowly port it over from one system to another. Developing the capabilities isn't really a big problem even if you build it versus buy as the total developer / administrator / server ratios on these sorts of companies are pretty favourable to massive automation.

I suspect they really do just want the money. Either than or they've short-sold themselves as a bargain host and now have trouble generating revenue and will lose too many customers if they crank prices so they're riding the investor's crack pipes via hype.

The latter is all too common unfortunately. One of the UK's "leading" hosts I did some consultancy for in the mid 00's actually relaunched with just under 50 CentOS servers with shared hosting/cPanel stuff on them but priced too low. They got customers but not enough to pay for the cage. Spent a couple of months moving their shit into a single 42U and consolidating their billing and provisioning system. They're still around now and can pay the bills. I did it for cash - I wouldn't want the equity myself.

Hosting veteran here. +1.

What's your thoughts on entrants like buyvm and ramnode. Although small, they seem to be doing things right.

Buyvm - not tried.

Ramnode absolutely sucks. I can pull maybe 100k/sec off them if I'm lucky from UK in their US and NL data centres which is abysmal. Cancelled my account the day after opened it.

Thanks dude, working on it and I'm really happy with the core after two years of building and testing. We've just finished building our own data centre, a nice steady influx of customers are buoying us up, and we recently hired two new developers to fix up our various front-ends. It's definitely looking more presentable by the week.

It looks interesting but as a potential customer, here are the my thoughts going through it (feel free to ignore me, I know you didn't ask):

- The site doesn't look good on my Retina MacBook Pro, mainly due to the extensive use of low resolution images for things like gradients and text (I don't understand that at all).

- Only pricing is in GBP, it'd be nice to have something else as a reference (a little "roughly $16 USD" in brackets would be nice)

- Straight up asks for my full address and phone number, without stating a reason why they're necessary or how they're used

- Takes me to a payment page and asks for my credit card number on a plain looking page served with a Class 1 SSL certificate (no organization validation) and again, with no indication how it'll be used

I was actually looking to give it a try after filling the address fields and phone number with "Nopenopenope" but lost it at the (subjectively) dodgy looking payment page.

A redesign and some explanations on signup pages would do you a lot of good I think :)

Great stuff. Glad to hear it. You could really knock all these companies on the head with your offering!

I actually like the Linode guys. They have been around for quite some time, and solid as hell. They don't have all the hipster devs talking about them as much, but I think they are more viable than DO.

It's also really hard to get an answer out of them for more than the simplest of questions.

Using ALL CAPS on their IRC channel works quite well ;)

Actually you can run custom kernels on DO VMs, in fact I have a machine doing that right now. In fact if push came to shove I reckon you'd even be able to get Windows to boot on a DO VM; it would be difficult but do-able.

I got FreeBSD running on by dropping into the PXE shell a while back. Didn't last past reboot, though: DO does some weird stuff to boot operating systems (maybe it wipes out the MBR every time?)

Got a $20 credit for my trouble (good PR!), and then promptly moved on to a provider that actually supports my needs.

I'm surprised you say that you pick them over Linode, because Linode seems to have the features you mentioned were missing at Digital Ocean.

Three things put me off Linode:

1. Dependency on ColdFusion. Seriously that product is dead, poorly maintained and powers the entire front end. That's scary. Even more scary than PHP written by outsources from Elbonia. They got hacked due to this.

2. Billing system is take then refund credit rather than billing afterwards.

3. From my location their latency and throughput sucked even in their EU DC despite being only 11 miles from my house.

Regarding being potentially wide-open to exploits due to kernels being out of date, I would recommend installing ksplice uptrack (https://www.ksplice.com/). It allows you to apply kernel security updates without rebooting your machine. It's excellent, and I wouldn't consider running Ubuntu without it.

> * can't resize or add storage

This is a huge issue for us and we've wasted time with this.

Resizing is our #1 issue with DO. The current quick resize adds cores and RAM just fine, but it's a one way trip.

It's not possible to shrink upsized instances like you can on Linode. On DO you can't even restore a snapshot or backup to a smaller instance size - you must rebuild from scratch.

I guess the right way to handle this is a configuration management tool, but this is a real pain since there is only local storage.

a configuration management tool

Yes, this is vital, but it's still not going to help you maintain existing data. A config management tool isn't going to fill out your logs, for example.

I haven't used Digital Ocean, but I've heard you can use Arch Linux on it. How can you be far behind on kernels if using Arch Linux?

* only have the option of 1 IP address per droplet (no plans to change)

Why do you need more with virtual hosting and SNI?

Why do you assume my customers have browsers that support SNI? About 10% are still running IE8.

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