Looks great - impressive feature, and congrats! We tested it a bit and you're off to a solid start. We were having a few issues with multiple tabs and such, but we'll post github issues when we have repeatable results.
Thanks! Currently sessions are scoped to a window, so you may have better luck opening another session in a new window. Do file an issue, we should certainly fix this.
Having painfully hacked together a few packages for ST (and TM) over the years, I'm impressed at how fast they pulled this together. If it's this easy to extend, Atom could have a very bright future.
I've never really done pair programming, but I feel like I'd benefit from it. My boss was looking over my shoulder the other day while I doing some Clojure, at which I'm still very new, and had some suggestions on my workflow. It's on my list of things to look into.
Anyone have any invites left, by chance? Email in my profile. :)
Very cool! This has been, in my experience, a factor limiting the use of GUI editors in places with a heavy emphasis on remote pairing. Of course not everyone does this, but if you work someplace that does, this is a big selling point. I'm excited about this!
Do we really need random Atom extensions posted two hours after the first commit? Is this the shortest time from initial commit (like, it looks like this is the real first commit instead of a squash-like commit for release)?
I guess we do, this really shows the extensible nature of Atom.
So you get an idea, you pull some code together (only 70 lines!) and it works. I think that is reason enough to post it.
The documentation still has some ways to go (events aren't documented, for example), but I'm excited about the future of this editor!