Some guy launches some small site with the sole intent of slapping google ad sense and google custom search on it to cash on the people who stumble on his site off google search.
How is this relevant here on HN ?
PS: Is it that some people blatantly upmod anything with the 'startup' keyword in the title ? Kinda reminds me of the Swineflu t-shirt story which ran a week or so ago :)
"For a $10 donation, I'll scour the internet and send you all the Allison Stokke pictures that you can find."
Followed later by: "I know that Allison definitely did not want in the spotlight -- that was one of the points of my original article."
No, actually the point of your original article was to drive traffic to your blog, which is why you keep saying her name over and over, intentionally including certain misspellings.
Sorry you don't like the material. I've written over 500 blog articles in the last 4 years. Some suck, some don't. But I keep trying.
A little bit of kindness can go a long way, you know. If you don't like the article, don't upvote it. If you think it is off-topic, flag it.
But coming on here and trashing me is whacked. My articles may be bad, boring, crass, or whatever, but this site is better than that. Surely you have something better to do with your time than tearing up somebody else's work.
Actually, you trashed yourself by writing that other article.
This time, as soon as I saw it was your blog, I clicked the back button. I didn't even remember exactly why, but I had it in the back of my mind as something I did not want to waste time on.
bravura's comment just reminded me of the actual incident.
I find your approach to making money using search engine traffic interesting, as you're using your name and face for this, which is a bit unusual. However, I think it would be a bit easier for you if you also allowed people to comment on your microsites, thus gaining content.
It's a bit uncool to use this site as a keyword backlink though.
How is this relevant here on HN ?
PS: Is it that some people blatantly upmod anything with the 'startup' keyword in the title ? Kinda reminds me of the Swineflu t-shirt story which ran a week or so ago :)