It's interesting that they would bandy around the word "transparency" -- with secret unapproachable courts, not all committee members being read into programs, and so on.
That's gotta win for me the "political doublespeak" award for the week. Better to have made a case that the structures were needed (which he feebly does, incongruously), than simply call one thing something else over and over again.
how egregious has Obama been in this regard? winning the Peace Prize while conducting wars? claiming that he is a promoter of transparency, when he's as secretive as any recent prez. claiming "hope & change" when nothing has changed at all and most people are lower on hope than ever? total Doublespeak.
and i would say that Doublethink was the real main point of 1984. Big Brother and surveilance...that was filler compared to the theme of Doublethink. Go ahead and watch what I do, I'm not ashamed, but DO NOT fuck with my thoughts and my words for expressing those thoughts.
ministry of love, ministry of truth, ministry of peace...2+2=5. it was such a bigger part of 1984 than the surveilance bit.
In the US, political correctness is the slippery slope to Doublespeak.
It occurred to me just tonight: I don't think it's doublespeak, I think he uses the word "transparency" in the sense of something that cannot be seen. The acts, policies and judgements themselves are transparent, not the barriers to information that his rhetoric led me (us?) to believe.
That's gotta win for me the "political doublespeak" award for the week. Better to have made a case that the structures were needed (which he feebly does, incongruously), than simply call one thing something else over and over again.