No I do not, I do not feel entiteled to anything and neither should you, while you have the right to have a go to try earning money with your works it does not say you have the automatic right to get that money just because it is your works.
You do not have the obligation to share your work with the world, neither do I, still I do share some programs with the world and it is my own choise to do this for free.
But I do not have the feling that the world owes me something just because I made some stuff, I do not share all my work for free, some of it I try and make money with with different grades of success but enough to be able to debate with you at this forum.
I think you look too narrow at what culture is and I think you thought is too much on ownership and how property is owned by a few.
Some things are owned by large groups of people, things like culture.
And yes, monopolies (the right of a few or a single entity at cost of the rest of society) are a awful legal construct which has nothing to do with natural rights.
Last but not least, I do not know your work and probably it isn worth to know if I see what kind of mind created that work.
Good luck with earning your money, if other people grant you that.