I have a twitter account which automatically tweets available jobs. One of the tweets got a DMCA takedown notification today because it linked to a site that they are claiming is violating their copyright. The job in question was looking to create a clone of a site that allegedly violates copyright.
They also sent me a list of all the other tweets that these people filed against. They appear to have filed against anyone who tweeted the same URL regardless of context.
My natural instinct says this is BS. It seems absurd that you can file a DMCA against a link to a URL. I would like any advice/experience people have with dealing with this sort of issue.
According to a quick google search: http://fairuse.stanford.edu/Copyright_and_Fair_Use_Overview/...
A normal link is considered fair use, but the law is sort of murkey. Many websites have policies about linking. If your linking directly counters the websites policy then it is considered infringement.
Personally I would consider a link to my site a compliment, unless it is from a post directly attacking my site. ---- I do know that if your feed is automated you should have a policy on your site that clearly outlines the fact that you have no control over said tweets/postings; and are not responsible for the content of the job posts. Such a policy may go on to say that you will remove any posts in violation of copyright, but that is probably up to you and/or applicable laws in your area.
Cloning sites probably does violate copyright law, but once again if you didn't post the actual job, then you may not be responsible (though you may be required to remove the actual job post). I think as long as your site doesn't advocate the cloning or abuse of copyrighted material you have a chance to fight this.
Good luck!