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Why is Über even mentioned? How about some details on the manufacturer of the seat the driver was sitting on, maybe what barber he usues too? Regardless, this is tragic if true, and my heart goes out.

It's relevant. Uber are creating a network of unregulated cabs, and people have been voicing concerns over the consequences of that. It can happen with a regulated cab too, but it's probably a little more sensitive given that there are no regulations at all.

These concerns are not mine, and I'm not taking a position for or against Uber, I'm just pointing this out.

They still employ specially licensed driver just like cab companies. The regulations they don't have to deal with are things like availability and rate laws iirc.

It's a matter of trust in the brand, not of whether Uber could have prevented it.

Same reason e.g. American Airlines would be mentioned if something similar happened with one of their pilots.

Uber is mentioned because as one of the other commenters mentions licensing processes that existing cab companies use offer real benefit in terms of knowing about your driver population, screening them and controlling them.

The craiglist comparison is much more app than the the American Airlines one - a connection was made via this service with little oversight or regulation - that comes with benefits like higher availability and easier transactions, but it also can be risky.

Uber is mentioned because Washington have said that Uber is an unlicensed taxicab company, although they've changed some rule to make it allowable.


Uber doesn't really vet their drivers properly, or at least that's what I found with a little Googling. Uber should take responsibility because this person put trust in their service and got raped. Now, it could be that Uber did vet the guy and he came up clean, but they should make that clear.

I think it is actually very important that Uber is mentioned. This comment explains it perfectly: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=5377167

The driver was an Uber driver, the company supported him as a driver. Any event that occurs while he is doing his work as an Uber driver deserves to have Uber mentioned.

Did we read the same article? The driver in question worked for Capitol Limo, not Uber. Uber was simply software that Capitol Limo used and got paid through. Capitol Limo should have been mentioned much more than Capitol Limo was. Any event that occurs while he is doing work as a Capitol Limo driver deserves to have Capitol Limo mentioned at least Capitol Limo times Capitol Limo Capitol Limo

Uber is mentioned for the same reason why Craigslist is mentioned when something goes bad with a CL deal. It adds context to the story.

Yeah this was probably a planted story by Big Livery

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