If you have done anything that is unusual, unconventional, rule breaking in the real-world please share your story.
I read this article on FastCompany about Jerry Jao and want to know more about such social engineering stories from other entrepreneurs.
One day while in college I was walking across campus to get to class. As students do, in one direction students walk on the right-hand side of the sidewalk and in the opposite direction students walk to their right resulting in an efficient flow of foot traffic. On this day a rotating sprinkler was intermittently splashing the sidewalk causing a bottle neck on the sidewalk. To this day I have no idea why, but I stepped off the sidewalk. I saw the problem, the students had non-verbally adopted the etiquette of allowing 5-10 students walking in one direction to pass the sprinkler then stop, and allow an equal number of students to pass from the opposite direction. By this time I could tell I went from the observer to the observed, it felt like hundreds of students had their eyes on me wondering, "who is this maverick? What is this sidewalk etiquette anarchist up to?"
In the moment I fell to action. I walked up to the sprinkler from behind and moved it so it no longer splashed the sidewalks. Immediately, I received a standing ovation - granted the students who applauded me were already standing, but I could tell if they were sitting they would have stood up before making noise with their hands.