A couple of years ago, say around 3 years ago, I could not watch movies anymore. Every single movie was quite predictable IMO which completely ruined the experience.
This let me to believe that that phase of my life were I could just vegetate all day in front of a TV watching films was over.
I decided that it was either two things, I'm smarter now, more experience, or the population is simply stupider. I did not think that the films were worse then before, is just that I'd seen so many films that no new films felt original. For somebody just getting introduced to films, say a child, they were great films.
Lately though I've started to see a lot of really good films. At least films that have kept me entertained. And although sometimes you can still predict that the hero will win and how he will win I still find the films interesting.
This has let me two believe one of two things, I've become stupider or I was simply going through a depression phase of which I'm just becoming aware of.
By the way, two examples of really good films that I've seen are "The Last Stand" and "Jack Reacher".
Just saw a trailer of "The Internship" and though it was hilarious.
So what does everybody else think? Has anybody gone through something similar?
Just because you now enjoy films doesn't necessarily mean your intelligence has changed. It's more likely to mean that your personality has changed. Remember that there are almost certainly many people that are smarter than you whom absolutely love films.
Please don't be the guy in the room who thinks that they're really smart because they have different/non-existent consumption habits than other people. This is dumb social signalling because others will think you are being pretentious.
You seem to have some kind of hang-up about being seen as being smart by other people...