I m building a web app in python/flask framework on my own (side project) but have plans to convert it into a commercial app soon. I have coded a good amount of backend and feel like I am at a point where some designing can be introduced (may be, you tell me as a designer). I mean I got barebone HTML pages right now and
trying to work (note the emphasis on trying) on some rough wireframes sketches. This is where my design skills stop.
I would love to hire a designer (part time) on a contractual basis and willing to pay "decent" going rate for good designers. Question is:
1. How do I search for "good" designers? Heck,what does that even mean ? I mean I can look at dribble etc but what else ?
2. If I do get a chance to talk to these designers, what are the questions to ask them ?
3. What kind of rates are charged by these "good" designers ? I am primiarly looking around NYC area but remote work within US is a possibility.
I am not a complete dummy when it comes to HTML/CSS/JS and all that good stuff. Just that I don't think I have the skills to design it for production quality.
1. NYC-area designer/front-end dev here. The simplest way to find a designer who will match your needs would be to scout on dribbble. If you pay for a "scout" account you can view and contact designers who you think fit the bill. You can also filter by city/location.
The best way to go about this is to hop on dribbble and search for products similar to yours. For example, if you have an enterprise SaaS platform, search for "dashboard", "enterprise", etc. If you're more social leaning, search "social", "twitter", etc.
2. When you talk to designers, be clear on the scope of your project. Let them know the exact scope of the project. Ask is they have any UX experience. You don't need a UX pro, but you also don't need a designer who can only design visuals and abandon your workflows.
3. Good freelance designers will charge you around $85~$100+ per hour in the NYC Area. Yes you can find cheaper ($40-60), but the price usually correlates to experience. Keep in mind freelance designers (and especially those with front-end skills) prefer to take their normal hourly rate and double it to foot Uncle Sam his bill at the end of the year! Rates outside of NYC will be cheaper, but of course in high-tech areas such as SF, it will be more or less the same if not higher.