Unrelated, but one of my favorite things about Antarctica is a terribly irreverent and incredibly amusing activity of many temporary residents in the area -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/300_Club
Wow, what an interesting thing to stumble across. I happen to work for the Polar Geospatial Center and deal with satellite imagery and map-making for both poles all the time. In fact, several of our staff are in the process of deploying to McMurdo where they support the US mission with maps and other GIS related activities. One staffer, Brad Herried, shot most of the Google Streetview material from Antarctica. Nice to see it's appreciated!
Oddly enough, this very blog post is the only Google result I get for the quoted phrase. Anyway, the thing looks inkblotty and fractally enough that I could plausibly mistake any frosty island for it in a dream. Probably related to the fact that we regularly have déjà vu in places of which (we think) we’ve dreamt. Or at least I do.
I got one layer deeper. I googled the same thing, but I ended up here back at HN because this very conversation has already been indexed and is now a top search result.