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AI dialogue analysis confirms movies have grown more violent over past 70 years (phys.org)
11 points by pseudolus 4 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 17 comments

"Study" (We asked an AI)

"Confirms" (It said yes)

The mere mention of “AI” means it's all unreliable rumor hallucination. Pretending like the excretions of an “AI” are anywhere near credible is an instant disqualifier.

This does bring to mind the Jack Nicholson quote (1972):

"The censors say they're protecting the family unit in America when, in fact, the reality of the censorship is if you suck a tit, you're an X, but if you cut it off with a sword, you're a GP."

His point being that in the US there's a preference to violence over sexuality.

Let's face it, we're a violent primate species... I hope wew can get better...

I have a mental 'gun clock' when browsing random movie channels on my cable package - the time until a gun appears. Quite often it is zero.

Bring back titties in action flicks!

The trend seems to have happened long ago, in the 80s.

What's most interesting is that despite the deluge of cancellations and heavy (self-)censorship, the 2010s and 20s did not change anything.

I dunno. There were a lot more R rated blockbuster movies back in the 80s than there are nowadays

Yes there are a few exceptions. John Wick. Mad Max Fury Road

Those are the exception these days though, I think?

There was / is an era where moreso than moral policing, the big movie companies realised how much money there is to be had in films for all ages. In practice it doesn't stop younger people from watching films above their age rating but still.

> despite the deluge of cancellations and heavy (self-)censorship

That was for (some) sexual and racial issues, not violence though.

The paper is full of grammatical mistakes and typos, and full of obvious errors in how they classify statements in their own examples. I don't think it 'confirms' anything. And using a reddit dataset as a way to classify "abusive" language makes zero sense if you're using it to evaluate movies from the 1950s. What counts as abusive language is extremely context sensitive -- to give one example: the word "retarded" used to be seen as a euphemism and not a term of abuse. It'd be highly abusive in the 1980s or 1990s, but in the 1950s, it might be a kind way to refer to someone with a mental handicap.

We didn't allow movies to be as violent 70 years ago because of censorship...

Correct. 70 years ago the Hays Code [0] was still in use.

[0] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hays_Code

Or just count the ratings.

Do people not consider what kind of movies would have been made just a few hundred if not a few thousand years ago?

For all these violent movies, society as a whole seems to be a lot less violent (though we cannot say the same of our genocidal governments and their supporters)

How is this not a "water is wet" finding? Did anybody seriously think they hadn't?

The Bible predicts both our sinful nature and the Devil will inspire those in power to promote more sin (evil) to influence the populace. The populace will also demand it more, have more appetite, as they get more corrupt. Those are testable predictions easily confirmed by watching older and recent movies.

Here’s the patterns. For each sin, they start with either none of it (taboo) or tiny amounts. They gradually increase what sins they display, how often they do it, how vivid the depictions are, how extreme the depictions are, and how many sins are combined into one act or scene. They move most from something shocking to tolerated to cool. They gradually move them from R-rated toward shows or books for kids that encourage them to act that way.

As you read examples, ask two things: What inside of the majority of people drives them to enjoy more of this content? If these trends continue, what kind of people do they produce or behaviors do they reinforce?

Profanity. They used non-curse words, then some curse words, then more, and non-stop cursing. They especially like to use God’s or Jesus Christ’s name as a curse words.

Violence. It occurred in limited ways with non-graphic depictions. Then, they increased the gore, the amounts, the creativity the bad guys used, the rape, the torture, the dismemberment.

Revenge or killing culture. Movies often featured forms of justice with some revenge killing. While Christ is about forgiveness and restoration where possible, recent movies heavily promote solving problems by killing everyone involved or even peripherally connected. Then, more brutal ways of getting payback.

Idolatry. They’ve increasingly put long expositions of characters with polytheistic or person as god type of theologies. They reward subjectivism which drives many problems today. Hollywood also nearly universally censors the Gospel of Jesus Christ despite expositing everything else and a huge demand (1 billion customers) for Jesus.

Nudity/sex (people are objects). They started by increasing nudity: clothes, bathing suits, butts, breasts, frontal shots, and full nudity. Then, more porn like shots. Sex scenes increased: implied, visual with them covered, more nudity, longer scenes, and eventually like porn. They normalized sex with multiple partners and adultery, too, with likeable characters doing these things.

LGBT. They pushed from top-down to normalize an uncommon, unnatural behavior in people’s minds. They progression: sneaking characters in, making them openly say their attributes, couples, romance, sex. Now, the award criteria incentivizes them to always push LGBT characters in a way that makes them look better than others which encourages that behavior if people want special treatment. Kids in schools are already pretending for extra attention.

Damaging philosophies. I’ll restate this since it’s important. The movies heavily push subjectivism, evolution (we’re animals), multiverse, nothing really matters in the long run, pleasure chasing, exploitation, and expositions of racist philosophies (eg American History X). Righteousness and Jesus aren’t allowed. Many of the worst things we’ve read in the news are tied to the philosophies that get tons of screen time while the cure for that is censored.

So, yes, movies have grown more violent and sinful over the years. Each Biblical prediction, especially each sin, has been happening. It is by design. The effects are highly damaging since garbage in equals garbage out. People need to repent, vote with their wallets against sinful suppliers, and fill their minds with everything good and honorable instead.

It seems there's been a resurgence in "clean" media over the last few years, with companies like Angel Studios leading the movement. They seem to have a surprisingly large number of independent backers (i.e., non-corporate funding) that speaks to an undercurrent in our society that pushes back against modern Hollywood films.

I've also noticed that non-religious independent studios (outside of Hollywood mainstream) seem to also play by slightly different rules. I briefly watched a few episodes of Beast Games last week and was genuinely surprised at how often the editors didn't cut the usage of Jesus or Christ in prayers.

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