Looks good. We'll be implementing something with filepicker.io in about 2 weeks. How can you make the "pick file" button open and default to "my computer" each time it opens?
Or, even better is there anyway to simply embed the pop up window in a page and eliminate the need to open a modal or pop up?
This is the first I've heard of your service. It looks really cool.
I would find the image conversion particularly useful. Is it possible to upload a file and have it saved at multiple sizes? I couldn't see a way to do this in your API docs.... or else I'm just reading it wrong.
Preconfigured conversion is coming soon :D. Actually, feel free to ping me on olark (on the site) or liyan@filepicker.io as we're working on it right now and I'd be curious to talk to a customer about some details.
Please implement these as derived files in subdirectories. That is; keep the original as is, and allow chained processors in any order with user specified "handles". The handles are subdirectories but filenames are otherwise the same, except for the extensions that may be updated by the processor in a predictable way. So if a user uploads a TeX file, processors can be added for
I really wish I had your S3 upload feature a few weeks back. Right now I get users to select a file to use as their profile picture. Then I save the file locally to my server, upload it to S3, then delete the local file. Huge PITA.
Oh god, I just finished integrating Filepicker.io with a client site and I was thinking "man, it would be great if the button showed an indicator that it was done uploading".
I test this several times and found that the page to select files take a while.
Plus, I suspect will be good to have a very prominent 1-default choice. For example, if I expect that the majority of the files come from the user PC, then this will be the default, and the other sources optional.
As stand today, everything look equal and could be confusing
This is the first time I am coming across this, and I wonder if it works on mobile (saw the webcam feature on the site). Also, as an sdk, integration to mechanical turk would be great so you could workflow it through moderation. Also, document format conversion (not just images) would be great if you piped them through Google drive somehow...