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I guess we've had different experiences on here then.

I've had really in-depth and fascinating conversations (or simply lurked the comments when I have nothing to contribute) on all kinds of game dev topics, or web dev, or others..

While the feed itself might be generalist, the people who choose to dig into specific topics on here are often experts (sometimes very notable ones) in their field, and it can lead to very enlightening and educational discussions.

> on all kinds of game dev topics, or web dev, or others

Exactly. Every day another topic. Great for keeping yourself informed and running into the occasional insider insight that will help you 2 years down the road.

Not enough for a domain you're really interested in, whichever that is.

I see your point.. I guess again we have different experiences, perhaps depending on how often we come to the site or how much content we're looking for.

I can barely keep up with the topics I'm interested in on here, I don't know that I could handle more... :-)

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