And odor. Kimchee taste really does work itself into things in the fridge.
I recall a roommate from decades ago (son of Korean immigrants) mention that his parents always kept a small side fridge / mini-fridge for the kimchee, so everything else in the standard fridge wouldn't adopt the flavor -- I think a comment of his was "kimchee flavored butter is not pleasant."
> I think a comment of his was "kimchee flavored butter is not pleasant."
Hah, I saw video recipes of kimchi and gochujang-garlic flavored butter last year. Tho probably both were eye-catching online culinary fads rather than practical products.
Woman whose channel I follow uses both plastic and ceramic containers for kimchi - both include a small valve in the lid to allow exchange of air. And of course cabbage lands in that special fridge; she said she uses it also for storing vegetables and rice
My one weird kimchi fusion experiment that's worked out beyond all reason was making a classic cheese-crusted German pasta casserole with kimchi in the mix ... it's so addicting it probably needs to be regulated.
Coming from the other side, you can make traditional kimchi fried rice and top that with mozzarella and run it on microwave for 30 seconds (or put it in an oven if you want to be fancy). Perfect match.
That sounds great, especially as I love that little fried kimchi rice chaser at the end of a table-fried bbq/meal. It's that little extra course of comfort.
I recall a roommate from decades ago (son of Korean immigrants) mention that his parents always kept a small side fridge / mini-fridge for the kimchee, so everything else in the standard fridge wouldn't adopt the flavor -- I think a comment of his was "kimchee flavored butter is not pleasant."