I have a huge task at my hand. It's winter and I am totally unable to wake up early. I've bought a oil heater which has helped me a lot. But IDK how can I turn it on in the morning and make the room warmer automatically.
I have really hard time waking up early in the morning. I want to do something in life. I feel quite tired after office even though there is not a lot of work that I do...
Any guidance will be appreciated. Earlier in summer, I was studying 3hrs/day on average productiviely(with 9-6). Now, it's like not evne 45 minutes.
I was able to keep up with an upper division undergraduate Maths class on a 30 hour per week IT job. The course was very challenging for me but quite rewarding. Homework took at least ten hours per week.
In general, less energy during seasons of less sunlight is not at all unusual.