That may be why a common definition of cruelty is being unnecessarily unpleasant: the Lords/Ladies of Instrumentality would say, it's not me, this just falls out of the Lagrangian, and yes it was horrible yet I was but the instrument. (compare the original words to )
The chinese note a tension between 霸 and 王 , do they also note one between 正 and 仁?
Hmm, no pro-logicians interested yet? Is it because logic is such a gradual domain.. would it move you beyond knowing just the name* to note that i’ve been involved with … experiments?? (Im a fan of <<Experimental Mathematics>> tho this is 2 steps removed, shall we call it “Experimental Logic”?) To whether its common or uncommon, depends on how deep you want to look, i guess!
*Check out DP-G and TSC’s 2020 update, where their Ham doesnt seem so contrived, and in fact, closer to, let’s say, the-country-that-shall-not-be-renamed. Are the chinese paying attention??!!
Citation on the tension? I suspect the tension isn’t between elite-driven and anarchism*. No time to hunt for a item i saw a while back here (its “everywhere”)
observing that you cant see any of the supposedly cataclysmic events of the XX (& XIX?) on the emissions chart.. perhaps we should explore (cue tony blair’s victory song) the tension between inflation and deflation instead?
Hmm... can't find a source (by 1800 it's already trad.) for "he who causes two blades of grass to grow where one did before, is a greater benefactor to society, than {he who conquers kingdoms, all the politicians of a land, etc.}"
How long before we have Gravitational Engineers?
EDIT: as to pro-logician (in the proset sense) JYG is the closest I know of, and for him physics is more than one applicational layer away. (I find presenting boolean truth tables makes the foundational q's that bother him disappear for me. A gramme is better than a damn!)
EDIT2: [multivariate, wlog] calculus works because things have interiors and exteriors, so in the sense of highly leveraging containment/implication, that'd be an advanced application of logic? (compare CSP's existential graphs)
EDIT3: wow, looking at china vs india (esp. the crossing!), we can really see the power of:
if your time horizon is...
1 year plant rice
10 years plant trees
100 years educate people
I think I need to be less contemptuous of popularisation!
Will have to think of a good citation; I'd thought it a truth universally acknowledged that bureaucracy, customer interfaces, and other formal systems (正; 正名) cover all bases in theory but in practice the lasting ones tend to leave pragmatic, if implicit, escape hatches (仁; fac et excusa)?
Does <<the galois theory of algorithms>> throw any light on vNuC? (von Neumann universal constructors, aka(?) the orthographically suggestive “geon”)
>…we have to construct a Hamiltonian whose ground-state energy is dependent on the outcome of a (quantum) computation. This is possible thanks to Feynman and Kitaev’s history state construction used ubiquitously throughout quantum complexity proofs
[Escape hatches of substance, steadfast in starstorms, abstracting into infinity…]
Defo. I should skim vN's book today, but a priori I'd say it's a mechanical instance of generators and structures; the more universal the universe of structures, the larger the class of generators. (and on the flip side, all members of the empty set are universal constructors, capable of making any other member)
To make a uC you need a quine and some generators; the galois connexion above ought to pick out the fixpoints/closed sets. (in particular, we're usually interested in cases where the latter are infinite but the former are finite — the XX continuation of angels* dancing on medieval pinheads)
* I guess now we would say they expended a great deal of intellectual energy on attempting to discern if angels had 0, finite, or infinite measure?
EDIT: if you haven't already, consider that quinoids don't have to exactly self-reproduce, don't have to be quines: one can program "objects" that, upon receiving a message, reproduce themselves and all their response methods (essence) — but with a new state (accident).
The chinese note a tension between 霸 and 王 , do they also note one between 正 and 仁?