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Hmm... can't find a source (by 1800 it's already trad.) for "he who causes two blades of grass to grow where one did before, is a greater benefactor to society, than {he who conquers kingdoms, all the politicians of a land, etc.}"

How long before we have Gravitational Engineers?

EDIT: as to pro-logician (in the proset sense) JYG is the closest I know of, and for him physics is more than one applicational layer away. (I find presenting boolean truth tables makes the foundational q's that bother him disappear for me. A gramme is better than a damn!)

EDIT2: [multivariate, wlog] calculus works because things have interiors and exteriors, so in the sense of highly leveraging containment/implication, that'd be an advanced application of logic? (compare CSP's existential graphs)

EDIT3: wow, looking at china vs india (esp. the crossing!), we can really see the power of:

  if your time horizon is...
    1 year    plant rice
    10 years  plant trees
    100 years educate people
I think I need to be less contemptuous of popularisation!

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