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WebSockets are not built on top of HTTP, though that is how they are commonly implemented. WebSockets are faster when HTTP is not considered. A careful reading of RFC6455 only mentions the handshake and its response must be a static string resembling a header in style of RFC2616 (HTTP), but a single static string is not HTTP. This is easily provable if you attempt your own implementation of WebSockets.

… I mean, in theory someone could craft some protocol that just starts with speaking Websockets or starts with some other handshake¹, I suppose, but the overwhelming majority of the uses of websockets out there are going to be over HTTP, as that's what a browser speaks, and the client is quite probably a browser.

> A careful reading of RFC6455 only mentions the handshake and its response must be a static string resembling a header in style of RFC2616 (HTTP), but a single static string is not HTTP.

You're going to have to cite the paragraph, then, because that is most definitely not what RFC 6455 says. RFC 6455 says,

> The handshake consists of an HTTP Upgrade request, along with a list of required and optional header fields.

That's not "a single static string". You can't just say "are the first couple of bytes of the connection == SOME_STATIC", as that would not be a conforming implementation. (That would just be a custom protocol with its own custom upgrade-into-Websockets, as mentioned in the first paragraph, but if you're doing that, you might as well just ditch that and just start in Websockets.)

¹(i.e., I grant the RFC's "However, the design does not limit WebSocket to HTTP, and future implementations could use a simpler handshake", but making use of that to me that puts us solidly in "custom protocol" land, as conforming libraries won't interoperate.)

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