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QUIC isn’t HTTP, QUIC is a protocol that operates at a similar level to UDP and TCP.

HTTP/3 is HTTP over QUIC. HTTP protocols v2 and onwards use binary headers. QUIC, by design, does 0-RTT handshakes.

> Yes, in theory UDP is faster than TCP but only when you completely abandon integrity

The point of QUIC, is that it enables application/userspace level reconstruction with UDP levels of performance. There’s no integrity being abandoned here: packets are free to arrive out of order, across independent sub-streams, and the protocol machinery puts them back together. QUIC also supports full bidirectional streams, so HTTP/3 also benefits from this directly. QUIC/HTTP3 also supports multiple streams per client with backpressure per substream.

Web-sockets are a pretty limited special case, built on-top of HTTP and TCP. You literally form the http connection and then upgrade it to web-sockets, it’s still TCP underneath.

Tl;Dr: your gripes are legitimate, but they refer to HTTP/1.1 at most, QUIC and HTTP/3 are far more sophisticated and performant protocols.

WebSockets are not built on top of HTTP, though that is how they are commonly implemented. WebSockets are faster when HTTP is not considered. A careful reading of RFC6455 only mentions the handshake and its response must be a static string resembling a header in style of RFC2616 (HTTP), but a single static string is not HTTP. This is easily provable if you attempt your own implementation of WebSockets.

… I mean, in theory someone could craft some protocol that just starts with speaking Websockets or starts with some other handshake¹, I suppose, but the overwhelming majority of the uses of websockets out there are going to be over HTTP, as that's what a browser speaks, and the client is quite probably a browser.

> A careful reading of RFC6455 only mentions the handshake and its response must be a static string resembling a header in style of RFC2616 (HTTP), but a single static string is not HTTP.

You're going to have to cite the paragraph, then, because that is most definitely not what RFC 6455 says. RFC 6455 says,

> The handshake consists of an HTTP Upgrade request, along with a list of required and optional header fields.

That's not "a single static string". You can't just say "are the first couple of bytes of the connection == SOME_STATIC", as that would not be a conforming implementation. (That would just be a custom protocol with its own custom upgrade-into-Websockets, as mentioned in the first paragraph, but if you're doing that, you might as well just ditch that and just start in Websockets.)

¹(i.e., I grant the RFC's "However, the design does not limit WebSocket to HTTP, and future implementations could use a simpler handshake", but making use of that to me that puts us solidly in "custom protocol" land, as conforming libraries won't interoperate.)

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