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> Now, there are issue threads like this, in which 25 smart, well meaning people spent 2 years and over 200 comments trying to figure out how to improve Mutex. And as far as I can tell, in the end they more or less gave up.

The author of the linked comment did extensive analysis on the synchronization primitives in various languages, then rewrote Rust's synchronization primitives like Mutex and RwLock on every major OS to use the underlying operating system primitives directly (like futex on Linux), making them faster and smaller and all-around better, and in the process, literally wrote a book on parallel programming in Rust (which is useful for non-Rust parallel programming as well): https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/rust-atomics-and/978109...

> Features like Coroutines. This RFC is 7 years old now.

We haven't been idling around for 7 years (either on that feature or in general). We've added asynchronous functions (which whole ecosystems and frameworks have arisen around), traits that can include asynchronous functions (which required extensive work), and many other features that are both useful in their own right and needed to get to more complex things like generators. Some of these features are also critical for being able to standardize things like `AsyncWrite` and `AsyncRead`. And we now have an implementation of generators available in nightly.

(There's some debate about whether we want the complexity of fully general coroutines, or if we want to stop at generators.)

Some features have progressed slower than others; for instance, we still have a lot of discussion ongoing for how to design the AsyncIterator trait (sometimes also referred to as Stream). There have absolutely been features that stalled out. But there's a lot of active work going on.

I always find it amusing to see, simultaneously, people complaining that the language isn't moving fast enough and other people complaining that the language is moving too fast.

> Function traits (effects)

We had a huge design exploration of these quite recently, right before RustConf this year. There's a challenging balance here between usability (fully general effect systems are complicated) and power (not having to write multiple different versions of functions for combinations of async/try/etc). We're enthusiastic about shipping a solution in this area, though. I don't know if we'll end up shipping an extensible effect system, but I think we're very likely to ship a system that allows you to write e.g. one function accepting a closure that works for every combination of async, try, and possibly const.

> Compile-time Capabilities

Sandboxing against malicious crates is an out-of-scope problem. You can't do this at the language level; you need some combination of a verifier and runtime sandbox. WebAssembly components are a much more likely solution here. But there's lots of interest in having capabilities for other reasons, for things like "what allocator should I use" or "what async runtime should I use" or "can I assume the platform is 64-bit" or similar. And we do want sandboxing of things like proc macros, not because of malice but to allow accurate caching that knows everything the proc macro depends on - with a sandbox, you know (for instance) exactly what files the proc macro read, so you can avoid re-running it if those files haven't changed.

> Rust doesn't have syntax to mark a struct field as being in a borrowed state. And we can't express the lifetime of y.

> Lets just extend the borrow checker and fix that!

> I don't know what the ideal syntax would be, but I'm sure we can come up with something.

This has never been a problem of syntax. It's a remarkably hard problem to make the borrow checker able to handle self-referential structures. We've had a couple of iterations of the borrow checker, each of which made it capable of understanding more and more things. At this point, I think the experts in this area have ideas of how to make the borrow checker understand self-referential structures, but it's still going to take a substantial amount of effort.

> This syntax could also be adapted to support partial borrows

We've known how to do partial borrows for quite a while, and we already support partial borrows in closure captures. The main blocker for supporting partial borrows in public APIs has been how to expose that to the type system in a forwards-compatible way that supports maintaining stable semantic versioning:

If you have a struct with private fields, how can you say "this method and that method can borrow from the struct at the same time" without exposing details that might break if you add a new private field?

Right now, leading candidates include some idea of named "borrow groups", so that you can define your own subsets of your struct without exposing what private fields those correspond to, and so that you can change the fields as long as you don't change which combinations of methods can hold borrows at the same time.

> Comptime

We're actively working on this in many different ways. It's not trivial, but there are many things we can and will do better here.

I recently wrote two RFCs in this area, to make macro_rules more powerful so you don't need proc macros as often.

And we're already talking about how to go even further and do more programmatic parsing using something closer to Rust constant evaluation. That's a very hard problem, though, particularly if you want the same flexibility of macro_rules that lets you write a macro and use it in the same crate. (Proc macros, by contrast, require you to write a separate crate, for a variety of reasons.)

> impl<T: Copy> for Range<T>.

This is already in progress. This is tied to a backwards-incompatible change to the range types, so it can only occur over an edition. (It would be possible to do it without that, but having Range implement both Iterator and Copy leads to some easy programming mistakes.)

> Make if-let expressions support logical AND

We have an unstable feature for this already, and we're close to stabilizing it. We need to settle which one or both of two related features we want to ship, but otherwise, this is ready to go.

    > But if I have a pointer, rust insists that I write (*myptr).x or, worse: (*(*myptr).p).y.
We've had multiple syntax proposals to improve this, including a postfix dereference operator and an operator to navigate from "pointer to struct" to "pointer to field of that struct". We don't currently have someone championing one of those proposals, but many of us are fairly enthusiastic about seeing one of them happen.

That said, there's also a danger of spending too much language weirdness budget here to buy more ergonomics, versus having people continue using the less ergonomic but more straightforward raw-pointer syntaxes we currently have. It's an open question whether adding more language surface area here would on balance be a win or a loss.

> Unfortunately, most of these changes would be incompatible with existing rust.

One of the wonderful things about Rust editions is that there's very little we can't change, if we have a sufficiently compelling design that people will want to adopt over an edition.

> The rust "unstable book" lists 700 different unstable features - which presumably are all implemented, but which have yet to be enabled in stable rust.

This is absolutely an issue; one of the big open projects we need to work on is going through all the existing unstable features and removing many that aren't likely to ever reach stabilization (typically either because nobody is working on them anymore or because they've been superseded).

What you describe is how development of basic packages that are part or on the level of the standard library should be done. The languages we are currently using will still be used decades from now. Slow good decisions now save much more time later on.

Thanks for taking the time to write this reply. Happy to hear a lot of this is in motion!

> Sandboxing against malicious crates is an out-of-scope problem. You can't do this at the language level; you need some combination of a verifier and runtime sandbox. WebAssembly components are a much more likely solution here. But there's lots of interest in having capabilities for other reasons, for things like "what allocator should I use" or "what async runtime should I use" or "can I assume the platform is 64-bit" or similar. And we do want sandboxing of things like proc macros, not because of malice but to allow accurate caching that knows everything the proc macro depends on - with a sandbox, you know (for instance) exactly what files the proc macro read, so you can avoid re-running it if those files haven't changed.

We've had a lot of talk about sandboxing of proc-macros and build scripts. Of course, more declarative macros, delegating `-sys` crate logic to a shared library, and `cfg(version)` / `cfg(accessible)` will remove a lot of the need for user versions of these. However, that all ignores runtime. The more I think about it, the more cackle's "ACLs" [0] seem like the way to go as a way for extensible tracking of operations and auditing their use in your dependency tree, whether through a proc-macro, a build script, or runtime code.

I heard that `cargo-redpen` is developing into a tool to audit calls though I'm imagining something higher level like cackle.

[0]: https://github.com/cackle-rs/cackle

Author here. Thanks for the in depth response. I appreciate hearing an insider's perspective.

> I always find it amusing to see, simultaneously, people complaining that the language isn't moving fast enough and other people complaining that the language is moving too fast.

I think people complain that rust is a big language, and they don't want it to be bigger. But keeping the current half-baked async implementation doesn't make the language smaller or simpler. It just makes the language worse.

> The main blocker for supporting partial borrows in public APIs has been how to expose that to the type system in a forwards-compatible way that supports maintaining stable semantic versioning

I'd love it if this feature shipped, even if it only works (for now) within a single crate. I've never had this be a problem in my crate's public API. But it comes up constantly while programming.

> Sandboxing against malicious crates is an out-of-scope problem. You can't do this at the language level; you need some combination of a verifier and runtime sandbox.

Why not?

If I call a function that contains no unsafe 3rd party code in its call tree, and which doesn't issue any syscalls, that function can already only access & interact with passed parameters, local variables and locally in-scope globals. Am I missing something? Because that already looks like a sandbox, of sorts, to me.

Is there any reason we couldn't harden the walls of that sandbox and make it usable as a security boundary? Most crates in my dependency tree are small, and made entirely of safe code. And the functions in those libraries I call don't issue any syscalls already anyway. Seems to me like adding some compile-time checks to enforce that going forward would be easy. And it would dramatically reduce the supply chain security risk.

Mind explaining your disagreement a little more? It seems like a clear win to me.

> Why not?

I believe you are proposing a language-based security (langsec), which seemed very promising at first but the current consensus is that it still has to be accompanied with other measures. One big reason is that virtually no practical language implementation is fully specified.

As an example, let's say that we only have fixed-size integer variables and simple functions with no other control constructs. Integers wrap around and division by zero yields zero, so no integer operation can trap. So it should be easy to check for the infinite recursion and declare that the program would never trap otherwise, right? No! A large enough number of nested but otherwise distinct function calls would eventually overflow the stack and cause a trap or anything else. But this notion of "stack" is highly specific to the implementation, so the provable safety essentially implies that you have formalized all such implementation-specific notions in advance. Possible but extremely difficult in practice.

The "verifier and runtime sandbox" mentioned here is one solution to get around this difficulty. Instead of being able to understand the full language, the verifier is only able to understand a very reduced subset and the compiler is expected (but not guaranteed) to return something that would pass the verifier. A complex enough verifier would be able to guarantee that it is safe to execute even without a sandbox, but a verifier combined with a runtime sandbox is much simpler and more practical.

> As an example, let's say that we only have fixed-size integer variables and simple functions with no other control constructs. Integers wrap around and division by zero yields zero, so no integer operation can trap. So it should be easy to check for the infinite recursion and declare that the program would never trap otherwise, right? No! A large enough number of nested but otherwise distinct function calls would eventually overflow the stack and cause a trap or anything else.

So? Panics or traps from stack overflows don't allow 3rd party code to write to arbitrary files on my filesystem. Nor does integer overflow.

Maybe there's some clever layered attack which could pull off something like that. But, fine! Right now the state is "anyone in any crate can trivially do anything to my computer". Limiting the granted permission to only allowing panics, infinite loops, integer overflows and stack overflows sounds like a big win to me!

If people do figure out ways to turn a stack overflow in safe rust into RCE, well, that was already a soundness hole in the language. Lets fix it.

Ah, I should have clarified that. Yes, if stack overflow resulted in a trap you are mostly okay, given that the caller is eventually able to recover from the trap. But imagine that the trap didn't happen because the page table wasn't configured, like in the kernel context. Now your program will venture into some unintended memory region, yikes!

But that was about the general language-based security, and you are correct that this particular case wouldn't matter much for Cargo. I only used this example in order to show that fully verifying language-based security is very hard in general. Even Coq, a well-known proof verifier with a solid type theory and implementation, suffered from some bug that allowed `false` to be proved [1]. It's just that hard---not really feasible.

[1] https://github.com/clarus/falso

Yes, fine. Again, my north star is unsafe. Rust doesn't require that all code is safe. But it allows us to mark unsafe regions. I think that would get us pretty far.

If you want to prevent stack overflows, the compiler can calculate the maximum stack space needed by any call tree. (Well, so long as the code in question isn't recursive - but again, that could be enforced at compile time.)

That seems like something that could be checked statically. Alternatively, the kernel could dynamically allocate exactly the right amount of stack space for its own threads.

I think what you’re saying is that, in fully safe code, control flow can’t have any surprises other than panics and/or signals/exceptions. I think this is true. And I would love to use a language that limited side effects like this at the language level — even ignoring security, it makes reasoning about code easier.

The issue of build-time security is somewhat separate, and it actually seems easier to tackle strongly. There have been proposals floated around to make proc macros use wasm and run in a sandbox, and IMO Rust should absolutely move in this direction.

> And I would love to use a language that limited side effects like this at the language level — even ignoring security, it makes reasoning about code easier.

This is one of the value propositions of Roc

You really should update your post wrt the Mutex changes.

Agreed. The statement that "they more or less gave up" is simply wrong. In addition to what JoshTriplett said, they landed const initialization of Mutex, RwLock, and Condvar in 1.63. That sounds like a complete success to me.

I'll update it in the morning. (I'd do it now but its nearly midnight.)

> But keeping the current half-baked async implementation doesn't make the language smaller or simpler. It just makes the language worse.

I can't disagree more.

In fact, I think that the current state of async Rust is the best implementation of async in any language.

To get Pin stuff out of the way: it is indeed more complicated than it could be (because reverse compatibility etc), but when was the last time you needed to write a poll implementation manually? Between runtime (tokio/embassy) and utility crates, there is very little need to write raw futures. Combinators, task, and channels are more than enough for the overwhelming majority of problems, and even in their current state they give us more power than Python or JS ecosystems.

But then there's everything else.

Async Rust is correct and well-defined. The way cancellation, concurrent awaiting, and exceptions work in languages like JS and Python is incredibly messy (eg [1]) and there are very few people who even think about that. Rust in its typical fashion frontloads this complexity, which leads to more people thinking and talking about it, but that's a good thing.

Async Rust is clearly separated from sync Rust (probably an extension of the previous point). This is good because it lets us reason about IO and write code that won't be preempted in an observable way, unlike with Go or Erlang. For example, having a sync function we can stuff things into thread locals and be sure that they won't leak into another future.

Async Rust has already enabled incredibly performant systems. Cloudflare's Pingora runs on Tokio, processing a large fraction of internet traffic while being much safer and better defined than nginx-style async. Same abstractions work in Datadog's glommio, a completely different runtime architecture.

Async Rust made Embassy possible, a genuine breakthrough in embedded programming. Zero overhead, safe, predictable async on microcontrollers is something that was almost impossible before and was solved with much heavier and more complex RTOSes.

"Async Rust bad" feels like a meme at this point, a meme with not much behind it. Async Rust is already incredibly powerful and well-designed.

[1]: https://neopythonic.blogspot.com/2022/10/reasoning-about-asy...

> In fact, I think that the current state of async Rust is the best implementation of async in any language.

Hahahaha hard disagree. Last year I implemented the braid protocol (a custom streaming protocol using HTTP) in javascript in less than an hour and about 30 lines of code. Then I spent 2 weeks trying to do the same thing in rust - writing hundreds of lines of code in the process and I couldn't get it to work. Eventually I gave up.

I got it working recently - but only by borrowing some wild tricks from reading the source code of tokio, that I never would have thought of on my own.

> To get Pin stuff out of the way: it is indeed more complicated than it could be (because reverse compatibility etc), but when was the last time you needed to write a poll implementation manually?

Last week, while writing a simple networked database application. Again I needed to produce an async stream, and thats impossible using async fn.

> Then I spent 2 weeks trying to do the same thing in rust… Eventually I gave up.

In my experience, that kind of difference boils down to a combination of three things.

- Comparing apples and oranges. For example, Box makes pinning trivial (you can just move in and out of Pin no problem), but oftentimes people new to Rust try to prematurely optimise and eliminate a single pointer lookup. If that's the case, were you really writing the same thing in JS and in Rust?

- An extension to the previous point, the behaviour is usually different. What would happen in your JS implementation if two streams were awaited concurrently, one received a message, and the other had to be cancelled? What if one threw an exception? In Rust, you're forced to think about those things from the start. In JS, you're coding the happy path.

- Trying to reproduce the exact same architecture even if it's awkward of inefficient. For example, it's really really easy to use a stream wrapper [1] to produce a stream from a channel, but then the architecture gets very different.

> Again I needed to produce an async stream, and thats impossible using async fn

I strongly recommend a channel instead. There's also async_stream [2], but channels are simpler and cleaner.

Over two years of writing embedded, web, and CLI rust I didn't have to write a raw future once.

[1] https://docs.rs/tokio-stream/latest/tokio_stream/wrappers/in...

[2] https://docs.rs/async-stream/latest/async_stream/

> To get Pin stuff out of the way: it is indeed more complicated than it could be (because reverse compatibility etc), but when was the last time you needed to write a poll implementation manually?

Often. Pin and Poll contribute to the problem of having a two-tiered ecosystem: people who can use async and people who can contribute to async internals. That's a problem I'd love to see fixed.

This is one of the reasons we've spent such a long time working on things like async-function-in-trait (AFIT), so that traits like AsyncRead/AsyncBufRead/AsyncWrite/etc can use that rather than needing Pin/Poll. (And if you need to bridge to things using Poll, it's always possible to use Poll inside an async fn; see things like https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/future/fn.poll_fn.html .)

I agree wholeheartedly (and I'm not surprised that you of all people often write raw futures!). I want to push back on the "async rust bad/failure/not ready" meme because

- it's perfectly possible to be a successful user of the async ecosystem as it is now while building great software;

- this two-tiered phenomenon is not unique to Rust, JS and Python struggle with it just as much (if not more due to less refined and messier design). As an example, [1] is elegant, but complex, and I'm less sure it's correct compared to a gnarly async Rust future, because the underlying async semantics are in flux.

Of course I'd love for the remaining snags (like AFIT) to go away, and simplified Pin story or better APIs would be great, but this negativity around async Rust is just wrong. It's a massive success already and should be celebrated.

[1]: https://github.com/florimondmanca/aiometer/blob/master/src/a...

> I want to push back on the "async rust bad/failure/not ready" meme because

Absolutely; to be clear, I think async Rust has been a massive success, and has a lot of painfully rough edges. The rough edges don't invalidate the massive success, and the massive success doesn't invalidate the painfully rough edges.

> - Comparing apples and oranges. For example, Box makes pinning trivial (you can just move in and out of Pin no problem), but oftentimes people new to Rust try to prematurely optimise and eliminate a single pointer lookup. If that's the case, were you really writing the same thing in JS and in Rust?

Pointer lookups are cheap-ish, but allocating can be extremely expensive if you do it everywhere. I've seen plenty of lazy, allocation & clone heavy rust code end up running much slower than the equivalent javascript. I assume for this reason.

But in this case, I couldn't get it working even when putting Box<> all over the place.

> What would happen in your JS implementation if two streams were awaited concurrently, one received a message, and the other had to be cancelled? What if one threw an exception? In Rust, you're forced to think about those things from the start. In JS, you're coding the happy path.

I implemented error handling in the javascript code. That was easy - since async generators in javascript support try-catch. Javascript doesn't support concurrent execution - so that problem doesn't exist there.

Did multithreading contribute to javascript being easier to write than rust? Who cares? I had a problem to solve, and javascript made that trivial. Rust made it a total nightmare.

I didn't know about the stream wrappers when I started coding this up. That was how I eventually found an the answer to this problem: I read that code then adapted their approach.

And by the way, have you read the code in those wrappers? Its wild how they glue manual Future implementations and async functions together (with some clever Boxes) to make it work. It blew my mind how complex this code needs to be in order for it to work at all.

> Over two years of writing embedded, web, and CLI rust I didn't have to write a raw future once.

I'm happy for you, and I wish I had the same experience. Streams are bread and butter for my work (CRDTs, distributed systems and collaborative editing). And at this rate? Proper support for streams in rust is probably a decade away.

Every single JS future is boxed. Moreover, they aren't just boxed, they are often backed by a hashmap (which may or may not be optimised away by the JIT). Elaborate allocation-free async is not an apple-to-apples comparison.

JS does support concurrent execution, Promise.all is an example. Without it, JS async would make little sense. The problem very much exists there, and try-catch is only a surface-level answer. As you can see here [1], the interaction of cancellation and async in JS is at least just as (or more) complex than in Rust.

By the way, multithreading has little to do with Pin. I presume you're thinking of Send bounds.

"To work at all" is very dismissive. Those wrappers are complex, but very well abstracted, well defined, and robust, the complexity is essential. Again, look at [1], JS async is hardly less complex, but also much more vague and ill-defined.

[1]: https://github.com/whatwg/streams/issues/1255

Honestly I’m not really sure what you’re arguing here. Are you agreeing or disagreeing that solving this problem in rust is currently significantly more complex than solving it in JavaScript? I already told you I implemented error handling just fine in JavaScript. Do you think I’m lying? Do you want to see the code, so you can grade it?

The apples-to-apples comparison I’m making here is: “I sit down at my computer with the goal of solving this problem using code. How long before I have a robust solution using the tool at hand?”. Of course the internals of rust and JavaScript’s Future/promise implementations are different. And the resulting performance will be different. That’s what makes the comparison interesting.

It’s like - you could say it’s an apples to oranges comparison to compare walking and driving. They’re so different! But if I want to visit my mum tomorrow, I’m going to take all those variables into account and decide. One of those choices will be strictly better for my use case.

Rust came off terribly in the comparison I made here. I love rust to bits in other ways, but dealing with async streams in rust is currently extremely difficult. Even the core maintainers agree that this part of the language is unfinished.

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