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Who taught you that!?

I was specifically taught that good, readable code could explain itself; that it would make comments redundant.

Therefore, comments should only be used for things like psuedocode, or as help for fellow developers during dev.

Then, they should be removed once the code is done.

But yea, not a good idea.

This is an example of taking something that is contextually good advise, applying it to all situations, which turns it into bad advise.

If you can make your code more clear, so that comments aren't necessary to explain what it does or how it works, that is probably (but not always!) something you should do. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have comments. At the very least there should be comments explaining why (or why not) things were done a certain way.

I have almost never run into a situation where a comment was better than a well named function or variable.

It happens occasionally, but it's usually a sign that I'm doing something wrong.

This is fine. A problem arises when you assume that this will always be the case, for all developers, and then mandate that they omit comments, _without checking if your assumption is true for their case_.

IMHO that rule can be generalized: Whenever you make rules for other devs, make sure that the assumptions on which those rules are based are true, lest you interfere with their work in a negative way.

A line of code can tell you what it does but not why. Unless you are on a newish codebase, you will likely need comments to explain why certain decisions were made

well-named works great while you're writing the code. come back to it in a few years, or hand it over to somebody new, and you would realise that what looks like a good name to you means nothing to somebody else.

Really? There's a perfectly good example in the article.

That's a horrible way to name a function. Function names should be short, punchy, and unambiguous. They should create a simplified abstract narrative, and all the details should be put into the docstring, so that they can be easily accessible without having to (a) be squashed into an identifier, or (b) be repeated every time you want to call the function.

There are indeed those situations where a comment would not increase the clarity of the code.

But one shouls be careful not to mentally think of this as a zero sum dichtomy, where you either have well named functions XOR you have comments, because in reality choosingn both is often the golden path to success.

The danger is of course that code that is totally obvious to you now will take far more time to become as obvious later, be it to your future self or to your psychopathic lunatic co-worker who knows where you live.

So very often code can be made more readable by adding comments, even if it is just saying the same thing with other words, just by reducing ambiguity. Comments can also bridge higher level concepts in a good way, e.g. by you explaining in a few lines how a component fits into a concept that is spread out over multiple files etc.

In the end code is text and like regular prosaic text you can both make it harder to understand by not mentioning things or by mentioning too many or the wrong things. This is why it is not irrelevant for programmers to be good and empathic communicators. Sure in the end readability doesn't matter to the computer, but it certainly matters to all people involved.

That is like saying: "A perfectly good road needs no road markings". The point of of good comments is that they make the code faster to read and less ambigous. While good code should indeed already be readable and unambiguos, I have rarely seen code that couldn't be made even easier to understand and faster to parse by writing the appropriate comment.

But of course you will have some individuals who think it is cooler not to, and they are probably the same people who think use after free bugs can be avoided by the shere willpower of the solo-male-genius that they are.

> I was specifically taught that good, readable code could explain itself; that it would make comments redundant.

Good readable code removes the need for comments about what the code does, if the working of the code needs extra explanation then perhaps it is being too clever or overly terse, but there are other classes of comment that the code simply explaining itself can't cover.

Some of my comments cover why the code does what it does, perhaps linking it to a bigger picture. That could be as simple as a link to work ticket(s) which contain (or link to) all the pertinent details, though I prefer to include a few words of explanation too in case the code is separated from whatever system those work items are logged in.

Many comments state why things were not done another way. This can be very similar to “why the code does what it does” but can be more helpful for someone (perhaps your future self) who comes along later thinking about refactoring. These can be negative notes (“considered doing X instead, but that wouldn't work because Y or interaction with Z” – if Y and Z become irrelevant that future coder can consider the alternative, if not you've saved them some time and/or aided their understanding of the bigger picture), helpful notes for future improvement (“X would be more efficient, but more complex and we don't have time to properly test the refactor ATM” or “X would be more efficient but for current use patterns the difference would be too small to warrant spending the time” – the “but” parts are not always stated as they are usually pretty obvious). A comment can also highlight what was intended as a temporary solution to mitigate external problems (“extra work here to account for X not being trapped by Y, consider removing this once that external problem is fixed” or “because X should accept Y from us but currently doesn't”).

Code explains the what but not the why. And even then, the what might not be so clearly obvious.

This is one of those blindspots devs have in that they believe their code to be good and obvious to everyone but in reality it is not even good and obvious to their future selves who will be the ones maintaining that code

IF the code is self-explanatory, then the comments are redundant, and is ok to delete them. But from time to time, there are things that are at least not so obvious in the code. Then is good to leave a comment.

That could be used to see how good a language is for specific tasks. If you need to write lots of comments, maybe you have the wrong language.

I had a professor in college who would grade you down if there were any comments in your code.

Sounds like a concrete example of the phrase “Those that can, do. Those that can't (try to) teach.” Far from true for all teachers, of course.

That and “those who actually use power are likely to be those who shouldn't have been given it”!

Perhaps professor was fed up with over-commenting (comments made up a large part of submitted code), especially if comments were like in https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41506466. Unless the course is "practical software engineering" or similar, that good programming practices are a focus, and if the why/why-not parts can contribute to better assessment, an associated paper can be asked.

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