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> I was specifically taught that good, readable code could explain itself; that it would make comments redundant.

Good readable code removes the need for comments about what the code does, if the working of the code needs extra explanation then perhaps it is being too clever or overly terse, but there are other classes of comment that the code simply explaining itself can't cover.

Some of my comments cover why the code does what it does, perhaps linking it to a bigger picture. That could be as simple as a link to work ticket(s) which contain (or link to) all the pertinent details, though I prefer to include a few words of explanation too in case the code is separated from whatever system those work items are logged in.

Many comments state why things were not done another way. This can be very similar to “why the code does what it does” but can be more helpful for someone (perhaps your future self) who comes along later thinking about refactoring. These can be negative notes (“considered doing X instead, but that wouldn't work because Y or interaction with Z” – if Y and Z become irrelevant that future coder can consider the alternative, if not you've saved them some time and/or aided their understanding of the bigger picture), helpful notes for future improvement (“X would be more efficient, but more complex and we don't have time to properly test the refactor ATM” or “X would be more efficient but for current use patterns the difference would be too small to warrant spending the time” – the “but” parts are not always stated as they are usually pretty obvious). A comment can also highlight what was intended as a temporary solution to mitigate external problems (“extra work here to account for X not being trapped by Y, consider removing this once that external problem is fixed” or “because X should accept Y from us but currently doesn't”).

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