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This project has been around and maintained for more than a decade! Small footprint, good speed. One downside might be GPL v2 for commercial use.

You can always build a small search webservice that you open source and that your proprietary software calls out too, removing the need to open source everything.

Linux is GPL too, didn't hinder companies making trillions on top of it.

Linux is not a good example because of the syscall exemption. The licensing situation is not at all comparable as xapian’s original point of existence was embedding.

you mean, don't compile it and link it within my application, instead wrap it as a separate program then call it via rpc remotely or locally?

Yes, exactly that.

A lot more than a decade. I've been using it for 15 years at it was a very mature project even then. Repo history goes back to 1999 and according to the history page the project's roots go back to the 80s. A bit like Postgres in this respect.

https://xapian.org/history https://sigir.org/files/forum/S2000/MUSCAT_note.pdf

For what kind of use do you think GPLv2 would be a blocker?

I used it commercially, at a very big international company. All users had access to its unmodified source code and templates. There was no trouble at all.

In fact, AIUI it's roots go back about 3 decades. The "about" page has a nice historical overview.-

The project at one point started tracking files for potential rewrite to rid itself of GPL history. I used it many years ago and I quite enjoyed it (pre elastic search times) but unfortunately the license situation didn’t help the project to become popular.

that's true, wonder if there is alternative that is not gpl

Sonic search https://github.com/valeriansaliou/sonic

Maybe not exactly the same, its a server that you can store documents and then retrieve their ID using a search string.

Elastic Search and its Amazon fork Opensearch perhaps?

Xapian is a library, while elastic has a client-server model

Xapian is more like sqlite while elastic would be mariadb

Lucene which is what ES builds upon is a library with bindings in languages other than Java, and it's Apache licensed.

Thanks for the spot-on, very illuminated comparison.-

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