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I wouldn't say the VAX was unusual even though it was a pathfinder in that it showed what 32-bit architectures were going to look like. In the big picture the 386, 68040, SPARC and other chips since then have looked a lot like a VAX, particularly in how virtual memory works. There's no fundamental problem with getting a modern Unix to run on a VAX except for all the details.

Z is definitely interesting from it's history with the IBM 360 and its 24 bit address space. (24 bit micros existed in the 1980s such as the 286 but I never had one that was straightforward to program in 24 bit mode) which, around the time the VAX came out, got expanded to 31-bits


> 24 bit micros existed in the 1980s such as the 286 but I never had one that was straightforward to program in 24 bit mode

Making clear that we are talking about 24-bit physical or virtual addressing (machines with a 24-bit data word we’re quite rare, mainly DSPs, also some non-IBM mainframes like SDS 940):

286’s 16-bit protected mode was heavily used by Windows 3.x in Standard mode. And even though 386 Enhanced Mode used 32-bit addressing, from an application developer viewpoint it was largely indistinguishable from 286 protected mode, prior to Win32s. And then Windows NT and 95 changed all that.

286’s protected mode was also heavily used by earlier DOS extenders, OS/2 1.x, earlier versions of NetWare and earlier versions of Unix variants such as Xenix. Plus 32-bit operating systems such as Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP/etc and OS/2 2.x+ still used it for backward compatibility when running older 16-bit software (Windows 3.x and OS/2 1.x)

Other widely used CPU architectures with 24-bit addressing included anything with a Motorola 68000 or 68010 (32-bit addressing was only added with the 68020 onwards, while the 68012 had 31-bit addressing). So that includes early versions of classic MacOS, AmigaOS, Atari TOS - and also Apple Lisa, various early Unix workstations, and umpteen random operating systems which ran under 68K which you may have never heard of (everything from CP/M-68K to OS/9 to VERSAdos to AMOS/L).

ARM1 (available as an optional coprocessor for the BBC Micro) and ARM2 (used in the earliest RISC OS systems) were slightly more than 24-bit, with 26-bit addressing. And some late pre-XA IBM mainframes actually used 26-bit physical addressing despite only having 24-bit virtual addresses. Rather similar to how 32-bit Intel processors ended up with 36-bit physical addressing via PAE

I understand the 286 protected mode still made you mess around with segment registers, if you wanted to work with 24-bit long pointers you would have to emulate that behavior with the segment registers and it was a hassle.

I didn't think the segment registers were a big hassle in the 8086 real mode in fact I thought it was fun to do crazy stuff in assembly such as use segment register values as long pointers to large objects (with 16 byte granularity) I think the segment registers would have felt like more of a hassle if I was writing larger programs (e.g. 64k data + 64k code + 64k stack gets you further towards utilizing a 640k address space than it does towards a 16M address space).

I recently discovered


and think that 2001 design is close to an ideal 24 bit micro in that both regular and index registers are extended to 24 bits, you have long pointers and all the facilities to work in a 24 bit "problem space" based on an architecture that is reasonable to write compilers for. It would be nice to have an MMU so you could have a real OS, even something with bounds registers would please me, but with many reasonably priced dev boards like


it is a dream you can live. I don't think anything else comes close, certainly not


where emulating long pointers would have been a terrible hassle and which didn't do anything to address the compiler hostility of the 6502.


Now if I wanted the huge register file of the old 360 I'd got to the thoroughly 8-bit AVR-8 where I sometimes have enough registers for your inner loop and interrupt handler variables. I use 24-bit pointers on AVR-8 to build data structures stored in flash for graphics and such and since even 16-bit operations are spelled out, 24 bit is a comfortable stop on the way to larger things.

> I understand the 286 protected mode still made you mess around with segment registers, if you wanted to work with 24-bit long pointers you would have to emulate that behavior with the segment registers and it was a hassle.

As an application programmer it wasn't much different from 16-bit real mode. Windows 3.x, OS/2 1.x and 16-bit DOS extenders gave you APIs for manipulating the segments (GDT/LDT/etc). You'd say you'd want to allocate a 64KB segment of memory, it would give you a selector number you could load into your DS or ES register – not fundamentally different from DOS. For an OS programmer perspective it was more complex, of course.

It was true that with 16-bit real mode you could relatively easily acquire >64KB of contiguous memory, in 16-bit protected mode that was more difficult to come by. (Although the OS could allocate you adjacent selector numbers–but I'm not sure if 16-bit Windows / OS/2 / etc actually offered that as an option.)

That said, 16-bit GDTs/LDTs have a relatively sensible logical structure. Their 32-bit equivalents were a bit of a mess due to backward compatibility requirements (the upper bits of the base and limit being stored in separate fields from the lower fields). And the 386, while it has a much richer feature set than the 286, those added features bring a lot of complexity that 286 OS developers didn't need to worry about. Even if you try your hardest (as contemporary OSes such as Linux and 32-bit Windows do) to avoid the 386's more esoteric features (such as hardware task switching and call gates)

> "There's no fundamental problem with getting a modern Unix to run on a VAX except for all the details"

Pretty much. The main issue with modern Unx on a VAX is memory size & performance, which combine to make native compiling under recent gcc versions "problematic", so cross building in gcc-10 or 12 is much easier.

The profusion of (from today's perspective) whacky addressing modes have made maintaining gcc for VAX more effort that it would be otherwise, but it's still there and in use for one modern UNx https://wiki.netbsd.org/ports/vax/ :)

You can download https://opensimh.org/ to get a VAX emulator and boot up to play

Simh also emulates a selection of other interesting and unusual architectures https://opensimh.org/simulators/

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