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Ethiopians are struggling to keep up with the new "EV or nothing" policy (restofworld.org)
12 points by jawns 48 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 5 comments

That makes EU green policies sound a lot less crazy! Everything comes in comparison. Even Norway did not prohibit ICE car imports yet - only coming up in 5 months.

Norway doesn't have to import all it's oil though, which is the fundamental reason for this policy.

Similar motives helped propel China into the lead with EVs.

At least Ethiopia is trying to do something. There will be pain everywhere in trying to go green, so they are taking a "hit for the team" so to speak. Good for them.

In the US, a country that if we did this it would make a big impact in CO2 being released, is living with their heads in the sand. Already one Party if elected, will do all it can to end the EV transition. Plus the money allocated to create EV chargers seemed to have gone nowhere and to make matters wors, I still think there are no standards for these chargers.

Plus the money allocated by the other party...

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