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Let's say your day job is providing a website on which paying customers can upload images.

Youre currently only supporting jpeg and png.

Your objective for a quarter could be to broaden support.

So you'd plan to add 10 additional formats. If you add 8, you've achieved your goal. Makes sense, right?

Honestly, the snide comments are spot on. It was even dumber then SMART SCRUM, aka development via waterfall, which is totally agile xoxo

I swear this is entirely earnest. That example works. Except:

>So you'd plan to add 10 additional formats. If you add 8, you've achieved your goal.

My plan was to add 10, and I added 8. I achieved my goal?

In the original envisioning, yes; typically, 100% was set at a stretch goal, with ~70% being the more actual target. >= 70% was thus successful.

But, most of the places I've seen doing "OKRs" are just appropriating the word but not the actual system.

The point is that you set a goal and made progress towards it. Ideally you choose goals for yourself and it's expected that you won't complete them all.

I still don't like it.

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