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I'd say NYT and FT have very little coverage of startups and Bloomberg has occasional startups. Techcrunch is still the leader for stories like "Company A has raised $B million to do C" which my friends and I are very interested in when we are interested in C. (e.g. where are you going to find a job doing C? what are the prospects for your own startup idea around C?)

There was probably a more tight-knit/closely-connected (?) startup ecosystem back in the day when TC was a thing. Today it's probably too varied and large and has too many subsets.

> Techcrunch is still the leader for stories like "Company A has raised $B million to do C" which my friends and I are very interested in when we are interested in C.

I guess. On the other hand that's the sort of inside baseball news most people I know have zero interest in.

Venturebeat does most of this.


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