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Who's Using Facebook Threads? Young Protesters in Taiwan (restofworld.org)
13 points by Bluestein 3 months ago | hide | past | favorite | 9 comments

do they know mastodon and have they seen those documentaries on what companies do via facebook and the data they collect!? someone should update them on what happened.

"" She [demonstrator] shared a photo on Threads. “The ‘likes’ made me feel I had a duty to update internet users on what was happening,” Lee said. “I’m happy that I’m not alone in caring about politics.” ""

At what point does China start accusing the US of turning a blind eye as an American company (Meta) enables (in its view) unrest within what it considers to be its turf?

There are so many other things for China to care about. This is like asking if we have to worry about nuclear retaliation from liking the wrong post on Twitter.

Taiwan regularly imports arms from other nations, and hosts US diplomats on a yearly basis. They have access to American social media not because they're dissenters, but because China has to forcibly stop them from doing otherwise.

> if we have to worry about nuclear retaliation from liking the wrong post on Twitter

Fair enough.-

(Not TwitterX perhaps ...

... but - maybe someday liking the wrong Truth Social post ...

Tell me one good reason why anyone should care what China thinks about Taiwan.

Per the official position of the US State Department, Taiwan is a territory of China.

It's merely coincidental that the US supplies them with weapons, stations tripwire forces nearby, maintains diplomatic relations and strategically coordinates with Taiwan.

I'm not sure what the State Department has to say about it, but looking at the facts it must not be a very good reason.

Who do you think is promoting this sentiment?

Unrest in Taiwan?

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