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The recommended texts are way longer than the originals. Engagement decreases per word written.

Yes, but i don't think that is the only consideration.

After all, if only number of words written mattered, the best thing to do would be to just have an empty slide.

Being concise is better than verbosity all things being equal, but not at the expense of failing to clearly get your point across.

WDYM? The slides?

I actually thought they were quite good.

For example:

Original: "Survey results"

Suggested: "Survey output indicates main root cause of churn is awareness of better value for money offering."

My suggestion depending on the context would be: "Survey: we're too expensive" or "Survey: churn due to cheaper alternatives" which will be read by 5x more people.

> "Survey: we're too expensive" or "Survey: churn due to cheaper alternatives"

I, for one, think the specificity is worth the extra couple of words.

It’s certainly better… if you can get people to read it

For me the bar is… can people remember it?

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