247 people. Wow, that's a tiny company. I don't see how they could possibly keep entries researched and fresh enough.
My grandfather sold World Book and Britannica door-to-door for a time since his military pay was insufficient. Sadly, I guess that job is as in as much demand as a piano tuner.
Not saying the demand for piano tuners has gotten down, but contrary to door-to-door encyclopedia salesmen it's not zero - and will not be for the foreseeable future.
I would hope but it's difficult to say. Crowdsourcing from subject-matter experts in a more authoritative manner than Wikipedia allowing people with limited knowledge decide what's "important", remove essential details, and erase niche sources of history.
My grandfather sold World Book and Britannica door-to-door for a time since his military pay was insufficient. Sadly, I guess that job is as in as much demand as a piano tuner.