Wow,this was one of the most accessible online scientific articles I've ever seen. Not just an abstract, no run around to download, pictures and maps on the web page. It's incredible.
247 people. Wow, that's a tiny company. I don't see how they could possibly keep entries researched and fresh enough.
My grandfather sold World Book and Britannica door-to-door for a time since his military pay was insufficient. Sadly, I guess that job is as in as much demand as a piano tuner.
Not saying the demand for piano tuners has gotten down, but contrary to door-to-door encyclopedia salesmen it's not zero - and will not be for the foreseeable future.
I would hope but it's difficult to say. Crowdsourcing from subject-matter experts in a more authoritative manner than Wikipedia allowing people with limited knowledge decide what's "important", remove essential details, and erase niche sources of history.
The saddest thing is that as much as I would like to get me a copy, and browse through them on a rainy day while sipping tea... I have nowhere to put them, due to my apartment being filled with books already. I have books under my bed... books in the sock drawer, books in the living room, books inside boxes... I wish I had a bigger place so I could put more books... not long ago people used to have these studio-like places with entire walls filled with books... the economics of today are quite restrictive in those terms...
I had lots of technical books and I fancied this idea that book is like a computer it gives us information, so having many books is like having many computers. But then I had to move and I realized I really didn't need those books only some of them had information that was hard to find on the internet like Windows shell-programming. So I decided to get rid of most of those books before moving. But it was not easy to get rid of them and nobody wanted to buy them either.
Books can fill a near-infinite amount of space. I have tons of space where I could stash books if I wanted to. But I've gotten pretty hard-nosed about donating books I'm not realistically going to read or re-read to my local library book sale.
It helps that I just buy a lot of newer fiction in particular in digital format because it lets me read it wherever I happen to be.