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Whether true or not, thank God that Elon took Twitter as one of the core pillars that the establishment had as part of their censorship-suppression-narrative control apparatus, e.g. the Twitter Files showing the US government engaging in illegal behaviour to censor Americans et al who weren't toeing the acceptable narrative talking points.

I'm not sure what this "god" of yours had to do with it, I'm pretty sure that was the doing of the Delaware Court of Chancery. Musk proves to be a censorious bastard whenever the whim suits him, and your claims about the twitter files is just fake news; lay off it.

"Fake news" eh?

You obviously haven't watched any of the US senate hearings, nor read any of Matt Taibbi's investigative work - where Elon gave Matt and other journalists access to Twitter's data like email interactions between Twitter employees, the FBI and other government agencies.

I won't bother describing the understanding I've come to on God since you don't seem like a deep person to even investigate thoroughly enough, whatever propaganda bubbles you get your news from - makes you thinks it's "fake news" tells me you're lost.

Here's Matt's Substack, to make it super easy for you to start reading/learning yourself: https://www.racket.news/

And here's his specific work on the Twitter Files: https://twitterfiles.substack.com/

Maybe if you start developing your self-awareness, and your self-regulation skills, you'll develop the patience to read more, critically think better - and then that would be a good starting point to contemplate the universe and extrapolate from first principles as to how much of a chance that a God exists.

Maybe don't be so confident in your arrogance either; or "lay off it", as you'd say - you're not the super aware person you think you are.

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