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"Fake news" eh?

You obviously haven't watched any of the US senate hearings, nor read any of Matt Taibbi's investigative work - where Elon gave Matt and other journalists access to Twitter's data like email interactions between Twitter employees, the FBI and other government agencies.

I won't bother describing the understanding I've come to on God since you don't seem like a deep person to even investigate thoroughly enough, whatever propaganda bubbles you get your news from - makes you thinks it's "fake news" tells me you're lost.

Here's Matt's Substack, to make it super easy for you to start reading/learning yourself: https://www.racket.news/

And here's his specific work on the Twitter Files: https://twitterfiles.substack.com/

Maybe if you start developing your self-awareness, and your self-regulation skills, you'll develop the patience to read more, critically think better - and then that would be a good starting point to contemplate the universe and extrapolate from first principles as to how much of a chance that a God exists.

Maybe don't be so confident in your arrogance either; or "lay off it", as you'd say - you're not the super aware person you think you are.

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