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Altman often uses tactical charisma to trap gullible people, government entities, and any unsuspecting powerful person for his ends. He will not bat an eyelid to take whatever unethical route if that gives him "moat". He relentlessly talks as if "near-term AGI" is straining to get out of the bottle in his ClosedAI basement. He will tell you with great concern about how "nervous" or "scared" (he said this to the US Congress[1]) of what he thinks his newest LLM model is gonna let loose on humanity.

So he's here to help regulate it all with an "international agency" (see the reference[2] by windexh8er in this thread)! Don't forget that Altman is the same hack who came up with "Worldcoin" and the so-called "Orb" that'll scan your eyeballs for "proof of personhood".

Is this sleazy marketer the one to be trusted to lead an effort that has a lasting impact on humanity? Hell no.

[1] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38312294

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=40423483

> He will tell you with great concern about how "nervous" or "scared" (he said this to the US Congress[1]) of what he thinks his newest LLM model is gonna let loose on humanity.

It’s so refreshing to hear someone else actually understand this sentiment for what it is— snake oil sales. The normies out there eat this up, and there is no convincing them otherwise because of how powerful the AI trope in entertainment media is.

"Tactical charisma" is a good one.

Honestly though, if you actually listen to him and read his words he seems to be even more devoid of basic empathetic human traits than even Zuckerberg who gets widely lampooned as a robot or a lizard.

He is a grifter through-and-through.

I agree. By tactical charisma, I didn't mean to imply that he has genuine empathy. I mean that he says things the other person finds pleasing, in just the right words, and credible-sounding seriousness. Tactical in a tempting sense: "Don't you want to be the bridge between man and machine, Scarlett?" or, "Imagine comforting the whole planet with your voice" — I've slightly rephrased a bit here, but this is how he tried to persuade Scarlett Johannson into "much consideration" (her words).

Yes, I've listened to Altman. A most recent one is him waffling with a straight-face about "Platonic ideals"[1], while sitting on a royal chair in Cambridge. As I noted here[2] six months ago, if he had truly read and digested Plato's works, he simply will not be the ruthless conman he is. Plato would be turning in his grave.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjpNG0CJRMM&t=3632s

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38312875

Emotional intelligence /true empathy cannot be learned or acquired, at least IMHO.

But it can be learned to be mimicked almost to perfection, either by endless trial & error or by highly intelligent motivated people. It usually breaks apart when completely new intense / stressful situation happens. Sociopaths belong here very firmly and form majority.

If you know what to look for, you will see it in most if not all politicians, 'captains of industry' or otherwise people who got to serious power by their own deeds.

Think about a bit - what sort of nasty battles they had to continually keep winning with similar folks to get where they are, this ain't the place for decent human beings, you/me would be outmatched quickly. Jordan Peterson once claimed you have cca 1/20 of sociopaths in general population, say 15 millions just in US? Not every one is highly intelligent and capable of getting far, but many do. Jobs, Gates, Zuckenberg, Bezos, Musk, Altman and so on and on. World is owned and run by them, I'd say without exception.

Almost any public figure that displays empathy will do it for show or as a statement. On many occasion not showing an emotional reaction is the empathetic thing to do as well.

You cannot really judge people by their public appearance, it will in most cases be a fake persona. So the diagnosis of Jobs or Zuckerberg isn't really grounded in reality if you do not know them personally.

>World is owned and run by them

There's a song about that - Jarvis Cocker - "Running the World"

Doesn't get played on radio because of the lyrics

In the case of Peterson, I'd say it takes one to know one.

Yeah I mentioned him only because he is source for this info for me, and I have big respect for his original work and there is good wisdom for me there.

Absolutely 0 respect for after-breakdown-and-addiction period, he is simply a different person, not interesting to me anymore, with political agenda and weird obsessions.

On the contrary, sociopaths are not emotional or political. They manipulate, while Peterson fights. We might disagree with him, but I'm 100% sure he is an honest human being.

This is so off topic but he's literally a Griting-101 playbook follower. Harks about strength of will, male manliness and clean rooms. Gets addicted to benzos, goes to russia to get himself practically lobotomized and films himself disheveled and crying in a filthy room. He's 100% a grifter.

This is so off topic but he's literally a Griting-101 playbook follower. Harks about strength of will, male manliness and clean rooms. Gets addicted to benzos, goes to russia to get himself practically lobotomized and films himself disheveled and crying in a filthy room. He's 100% a grifter.

> Emotional intelligence /true empathy cannot be learned or acquired, at least IMHO.

I think you are right in general here in this comment but I am not sure if you are right on this bit.

Peterson might be slightly overstating the number of sociopaths (others put it at more like one in thirty).

Those people have to fake it (if they can be bothered; it doesn't seem to hold people back from the highest office if they don't)

The vast majority of people with noticeably low empathy, though, simply haven't ever been taught how to nurture that small seed of empathy, how to use it to see the world, how to feel the reciprocal benefits of others doing the same. How to breathe it in and out, basically. It's there, like a latent ability to sing or draw or be a parent, it's just that we're not good at nurturing it specifically.

Schools teach "teamwork" instead, which is a lite form of empathy (particularly when there is an opposing team to "other")

I was never a team player, but I have learned to grow my own empathy over the years from a rather shaky sense of it as a child.

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