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I agree. By tactical charisma, I didn't mean to imply that he has genuine empathy. I mean that he says things the other person finds pleasing, in just the right words, and credible-sounding seriousness. Tactical in a tempting sense: "Don't you want to be the bridge between man and machine, Scarlett?" or, "Imagine comforting the whole planet with your voice" — I've slightly rephrased a bit here, but this is how he tried to persuade Scarlett Johannson into "much consideration" (her words).

Yes, I've listened to Altman. A most recent one is him waffling with a straight-face about "Platonic ideals"[1], while sitting on a royal chair in Cambridge. As I noted here[2] six months ago, if he had truly read and digested Plato's works, he simply will not be the ruthless conman he is. Plato would be turning in his grave.

[1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NjpNG0CJRMM&t=3632s

[2] https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38312875

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