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> Ideally it should work with encrypted SNI

IPv6.rs doesn't work with ESNI because you'll have to decrypt the encrypted packet to read it. Cloudflare decrypts your traffic so it can read it.

> If my home IP is known,

IPv6.rs hides your home IP. The only exposed IP will be the IPv6 IP you receive from IPv6rs. The reverse proxy proxies to your IPv6 address, so your home IP will never be exposed (and technically you could change the IPv6rs IP if you wanted to at ANYTIME).

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Im sorry if it’s a trivial question, but why does a “dumb” forwarder have to decrypt the packet? I only need to tunnel/forward it, static destination IP, there are no decisions taken on the base of the SNI as far as I can tell.

I need IPv4 as well unfortunately, still.

You're right - if you already have a static destination IP you will not.

For everyone else, however, they do have to face this situation where their forwarder is not so dumb and decrypts their traffic.

Our service prevents that, but not for IPv4. That's why we provide a reverse proxy over all major TLS ports.

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