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Indians who pre-ordered Teslas in 2016 are giving up and chasing refunds (restofworld.org)
16 points by Brajeshwar 24 days ago | hide | past | favorite | 7 comments

Elon Musk keeps proving he is a charlatan who will happily take money on a lie and then fight tooth-and-nail to give it back when people give up on his outlandish lies.

I'm a Tesla owner and want Elon fired because I want my car to be supported far into the future. I don't want him to tank the company like he did Twitter.

How do you know he tanked twitter? It wasn't profitable when he took over and now that it's a private company you don't have insight into the financials.

Whether you like or don't like the politics/policies of the company since he's taken over, it's not clear whether he's made Twitter more or less viable as a company going forward.

Fidelity, who remains a stakeholder in the private company and gets insight to internal financials, has cut the valuation of their holding by 75% so far [1]. While twitter might not have been profitable when purchased, it was structured as a growth stock (that is, expected to invest most profit back into the product, in order to continue to multiply revenue) and had yearly revenues of $5B.

1. https://fortune.com/2024/03/30/fidelity-x-stake-73-decline-s...

Elon wants to run an AI company and not a vehicle manufacturer. Since he doesn't own a majority of the stock, he's chosen to make his vision inevitable by tanking the vehicle and charging-related parts of the business.

Like it or not AI is happening. And you are free to drive your Tesla with hands on steering wheel.

AI is happening, but it doesn't mean Tesla should destroy its successful vehicle, energy or charging businesses. It also doesn't mean Tesla is going to win on AI. That's why you do don't destroy the underlying company to make AI inevitable.

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