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You seem to be approaching this backwards.

Swiss German is German. It gets a German flag. Swiss French is French. It gets a French flag.

As a Brit you get used to American flags to denote English. It's just not a big deal. I mean I even use US English most of the time as I prefer the keyboard layout.

Barely any languages exist in the world without an associated country. You're looking for a problem where none exists. Romansh has like 50,000 speakers and a ton of those probably use something different on their computers anyway. But even there the clear and obvious choice is the Swiss flag.

Back in my day we all had to use ASCII, etc etc.

This is an unbelievably ignorant comment. As someone else pointed out, Swiss German is not the same as German and there are many (widely spoken) languages that are spoken in many different countries as there are many countries where many different languages are spoken.

The entire point of TFA is that there isn’t a simple mapping between flags of countries and languages so we should probably stop trying to create one.

> Back in my day we all had to use ASCII, etc etc.

And it turned out that this assumption was a bad one hence the need for Unicode. Why make the same mistake again?

Swiss German is not German. It is a language kinda similar to German. Bit, if you studied German and can get by in Germany, you will still be clueless in Switzerland

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