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I would suggest not. From what I've heard, raw milk, in general, is pretty dangerous.

Louis Pasteur won all kinds of awards for doing things like figuring out how to treat milk. Some of the bugs you can get from raw milk are not fun.

Lots of European cheeses are made from raw milk and cases of people getting sick from anything commercially prepared are vanishingly rare, even when the end product looks and smells like death.

I suspect most of them are.

I'll bet that the process of becoming cheese treats the bugs.

From what I hear, consuming raw milk is what's dangerous.



Please explain. I’m afraid I’m too dense to understand that.

I didn’t mean to insult anyone’s sacred cow. I just have some experience in this.

However, unhomogenized milk can be pretty cool. When we lived in London, we used to get daily deliveries of bottled, unhomogenized milk, and I always loved taking the cream off the top.

"MilaM" asked "I wonder if it is reasonably safe to consume [the raw milk, aged cheese I just bought]".

You answered "I would suggest not".

"bartonfink" (reasonably but rudely) took this to mean you were saying that cheese made from raw milk was "not" "reasonably safe to consume".

What did you actually mean by "I would suggest not"?

Then my apologies. I assumed that it was raw milk and cheese; not cheese, made from raw milk.

Carry on, then. My bad.

See how easy that was?

It was my mistake, and I have absolutely no problem, admitting it, but it did not require any name-calling.

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