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If it were at all obvious how I was wrong I'd expect you to point it out. Are you afraid of being wrong?


You're the only one here with a green name.


Is that what the project leader told you after reading your PR?


...which is not the color they are on 4chan.

Do you want to respond to my original comment now, or are you just going to spend your time trolling and proving how non-serious you are?

Get a life bro. You're the troll. I won't waste my time on trolls


I'm the one vouching for yours, actually. Your comments are getting erased faster than I can respond to them unfortunately, looks like your window closed for responding to my post.

At the same time though, I don't know how you expected people to take you seriously here. When you're that desperate to conflate peaceful protest with "genocide", methinks you're insecure about something you're unwilling to admit.


"Citation: I said it"

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