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Well they are physically impractical now, but they might get practical in the future.

But no, I'm fairly sure that QC in general isn't known to be able to solve NP problems. And since Traveling Salesman is NP complete (iirc), I don't think there's a QC alg to solve traveling salesman in P (otherwise that would imply QC would solve all of NP in P, which I know isn't true). Where did you see indication otherwise?

FWIW, my favorite CS blogger is Scott Aaronson, and the subtitle of his blog has always been: "If you take nothing else from this blog: quantum computers won't solve hard problems instantly by just trying all solutions in parallel." This reflects the very common misunderstanding of how QC works.

Hah ok point taken. Here’s the paper I found about traveling salesman - looks like a version of Grover’s algorithm so I think that means it provides a speed-up but not polynomial time? Paper is paywalled: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1134/S1063776123080095#....

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